If you can get your hands on this book, you will find it to be priceless.
Year Round Vegetables Fruits and Flowers for Metro Houston, A Natural Organic Approach Using Ecology, by Bob Randall, Ph.D., Executive Director Urban Harvest
ISBN # 0-9705207-0-0
The edition i have is about ten years...
I'll be very interested to hear how they turn out if you try baking them. I'm getting tired of fried okra too. ;)
When i was a kid, my mom loved eating pickled okra. I don't want to eat them pickled, but that might be an alternative your family would enjoy.
I remembered some discussions about nettle over on The Easy Garden forum. So i went and looked. Here are a couple of links. But if you wanted to join TEG - which is a sister site of this one, there are quite a few more discussions on it, if i remember correctly. They made me WANT to have...
So, as much as i love Justusnak's blue iris picture, is there a reason why it has been the pic of the week for the last 6 weeks or something?
Is there trouble with not enough submissions?
Are all the submissions just really bad photographs?
I would really enjoy seeing more pictures from other...
Nothing special. Just sear some back in a pan, then add peas and water. Simmer for about two hours, stirring periodically. Season to taste.
Serving with cornbread would be appropriate, but they're great as a side or as a main course.
For storage, you can can them, you can parboil and...
Purple hull peas are similar to black eyed peas, but they taste better. They grow in a long purple pod, and then you have to shuck the pods to get the finished product. They are exactly the peas Ieat for dinner. But they're not he sweet green peas, if that's what you mean.
There are lots of...
Y'all are awesome. This is why i need you. Why didn't i think of something as simple as boiling? I don't know.
Pioneer girl, here's a link to a bunch of patterns for the reusable fem. pads. http://tipnut.com/free-pattern-for-washable-feminine-menstrual-pads/ There might also be someone on...
My husband does the same thing. In fact, he'll argue with me about something and convince me he's against it - and then i'll hear him telling someone else about what "we" are doing. :rolleyes: Geez!
dang. :hu
I seem to remember something about corn cobs. :ep
I remember seeing something like that on The View a very long time ago. This one looked like a paper plate, folded in half! I'm not sure that's for me. :lau
Thanks to all of you for responding! These are really good answers and very helpful to my thought processes.
:lol: That is actually a pretty good reason. ;) Whenever i do something outrageously domestic, like butcher a chicken, my husband goes to work and brags on me to the guys. They all...
I'm no expert on this, and i'm definitely not a vegetarian. Our plan includes a wide variety of meat sources.
However, something i have just recently learned about purple hull peas might be helpful to you. First, if they will grow where you are (and i have no idea whether they will), they...
I may wax philosophical. Please bear with me. I need your input.
Whenever i make a change or addition to my methods, i try to imagine what would be my solution if normal goods were not available to me. You know, the when-the-soap-hits-the-fan type situation.
For example, when i thought my...
Here are a couple of links for Plantago major
Looks like the natives used it for a lot of other things, including pain. Very interesting.
This one talks about the trend toward sustainability and McMurray hatchery gives some statistics. I didn't read the whole article. There's probably more.