thanks!!! i will definitly have to try the neosporin then, if any of us get it... i have a huge phobia of eye drops..... lol... so far so good, little one doesnt seem to have it!!! ;)
so i have been making butter for a while now, but all done in my mixer. today i made a smaller batch, so i just shook it... i think that was alot of fun!!! a great project for kids.... i may have to do this with my 3yo... lol
so i didnt want to hijack the other cheese threads, but where do i find the citric acid crystals??? i would love to make some ricotta and mozzerella for lasagna/shells, but i dont know where to find all the stuff i need. could someone help??? btw i have a great natural food store about an hour...
is there any way to treat/prevent other than washing hands? my 3yo has it, and i am worried that my 1yo will too.... the 3yo was very touchy before we knew what it was....
we used them too for the kids... we did use them for us for a bit... we ran out of tp and payday was too far away!!! dh said not for him anymore!!! :lol: he thought it was gross!!!!
i use my castile in my laundry soap and it works great!!!! although, the recipie i use has 1/3 of soap, washing soda, and borax... but only a gallon of water. it is a bit stronger than the other recipies, but works just as good!!!
i have only been able to find washing soda online, same with...
ok, so we make our soap, laundry soap, and will be making shampoo soon... yet our bill for monthly is close to 600 for 4 people and 2 dogs!!! i need ways to bring this down... i now i need to cut my meat alot... i am not a big fan of red meat, but dh is... yet we have it like 8 times a...
lol this is what we do... i meal plan since we have one car and i think the only thing we usually have to pick up is milk!!! otherwise we are usually pretty good about eating what we have. i keep lots of flour in the house... there are so many things to do with it!!!
my ils freeze rasberries...
thanks!!! i actually am thinking of getting a few chicks anyway... even if it is just for eggs!!! i had a rabbit when i was younger, and my bff's dad raised rabbits(he owned a petstore) so i know the basics of having them! yay... so what kind of pen do you have them in? would a standard large...
hey there from nc! i am ashleigh, and have 2 boys, connor, 3 and logan 9mo. i am married to luke who is in the usaf... we are slowly crossing over to natural and self-sufficiency...(being on base doesnt help anything :rolleyes: ) so there is only so much i can do!!! someday i would love to have...
i saw someone raises rabits for food... how do you do this? what type of rabbits are they? and where do you get them???? where i live i would love to have chickens, but the more reasearch i do, the less likely it seems that i will be able to...(we are military on base and cant technically have...