They're gorgeous. Count me in on the folks who would love mini cows. And mini goats. I could just have a miniature animal farm. That would be a hoot. Especially with the fullsize chickens. Everything would look out of proportion.
Bought a Sodastream machine, on sale, and another $10 off coupon. Now I can make the sparkling water DH lives on for 1/4 the cost. And make flavored sodas when DS wants some, for way cheaper than buying it at the grocery, even on sale.
Oh. My.
Mom grew up in a farm family. Grandparents (mother's side) lived on 40 acres. I loved visiting them when I was a child. Would spend all my time out in the woods, alone, usually up a tree. Except when I was helping Grandma collect the eggs or ride on the tractor with Grandpa...
Actually, there's an antidepressant called Welbutrin that is also very helpful for the peri-menopausal brainfog. I used it for about a year with good results.
I thought it was great. I was waiting to hear chickens though!
And, fwiw, I don't shave pits either. Sorry but I haven't in years, have an Italian DH who prefers it that way...
So, I found another person to take a quarter. We're good now.
This morning, I got to do something I haven't done in a while. Go out shooting! Took DH to an indoor range and had him sit there while I ran a few rounds through a pistol I was thinking of getting. Decided I didn't particularly like...
I love my 12gauge. Don't have any trouble with the kick. Trap shooting all afternoon with my Mossberg 500 with it doesn't bother me. My 30.06 Remington 700 deer hunting rifle on the other hand is getting replaced with a .308 soon. I just don't shoot it enough to get good enough for deer hunting...