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  1. okiegirl1

    Need some help with a paper I'm writing for school

    oh that's good too! ya'll throwing ideas at me help get the old wheels-a-turnin'.
  2. okiegirl1

    Need some help with a paper I'm writing for school

    oh that would be good! (Hey Free! long time no talk to :D ) I'll do some looking. if you think of something like a study or an article, let me know. I have to cite facts and statistics.
  3. okiegirl1

    Need some help with a paper I'm writing for school

    Hi everyone, It's been a LONG time since I've been on. sorry! :) but I need some help. I'm writing a paper on the trend of people trying to work their way out of debt and toward being a more self sufficient family. this is where i need help. I have to site articles, statistics, facts &...
  4. okiegirl1

    Materials for the self sufficient?

    I had my own soap/lotion home based business for several years. here are some of my suppliers. yep, you have to pay shipping, but I really like these guys. hth
  5. okiegirl1


    Hey are any of ya'll going to the BYC chicken swap meet/auction this Saturday in Choctaw?
  6. okiegirl1

    Look what my husband posted on his Farmville!

    He put a sign up that says "MONSANTO genetially engineered crop: if for "ANY" reson your crop is contaminated by ours than we assume all ownership of your properties" how funny!
  7. okiegirl1

    Anyone make their own pasta?

    I tried...... it wasn't pretty! :rolleyes:
  8. okiegirl1

    Chicken question

    well, I think I've decided to just buy 8-9 week old chicks this week-end. A group of people from BYC is having a poultry swap this Saturday not far from me. So excited! I'm meeting some ladies there and we're going to get some chicks at the auction they're having. can't wait. I know for...
  9. okiegirl1

    Chicken question

    that's what I'm afraid of. :(
  10. okiegirl1

    Chicken question

    that's a good idea. I've heard the stearn talking to works along with the waving a stew pot at them. might try that, thanks!
  11. okiegirl1

    Chicken question

    I know I should probably go to the BYC for this question, but that one goes so fast and I don't usually get as nice answers there as I do here..... so..... Ya'll know I lost most of my flock to my dog. Now I have 3 (really 2 1/2 'cause that black one just won't walk, she just sits there all...
  12. okiegirl1

    my chickens were killed .................. :(

    she's about 6" from where she was when I put her on her nest last night. so I guess she rolled/flopped/fluttered herself a bit. Her food is gone, so I'm going to make her more moist chick mush. She's still alive. :idunno If she makes it I'll be amazed!!!
  13. okiegirl1

    my chickens were killed .................. :(

    well, since she can't walk anymore, I made a pile (nest) of wood shavings right next to the water dish and got a little bowl of food and set it next to the nest. Now she can just reach over and eat and drink with out having to get up. I made her little food bowl with chick feed softened with...
  14. okiegirl1

    I think there's a slacker in the henhouse...

    ya'll probably come take my chickens from me because of my stupid question.... but.... is it called a wind egg because a chicken passes "wind" and out pops an egg?
  15. okiegirl1

    I think there's a slacker in the henhouse...

    :lau :gig
  16. okiegirl1

    I think there's a slacker in the henhouse...

    how cute is that!!!
  17. okiegirl1

    my chickens were killed .................. :(

    well, the black one won't even stand up anymore much less walk. I was feeding her some moistened chick feed and she'd eat that, and I gave her some water with an eyedropper because she can't stand up to get to the water. the other two seem better.
  18. okiegirl1


    mine are 7 weeks old. There are only 3 left, but they sure could use the company. AGAIN... I sure wish you lived close.
  19. okiegirl1

    Dumb question here!

    :lau just thinking of the look on people's faces if you made it with two cups dry beans.... :gig "oh..... (crunch, crunch, crunch) yea..... this is reall good" :rolleyes:
  20. okiegirl1

    So, how much does it really cost to put two kids through university?

    I'm going to school now. I'm doing my generals at a community college and transferring to a 4 year. Because this happens so much, my c.c. and 4 year work together regarding what credits transfer. You just have to call the 4 year and see what they will accept. as far as the kids, they are...