no juice or fruit.
it takes 10 days.
it comes in a ziplock, you mush the bag for several days, on the 6th day you add sugar, flour and milk, mush for several more then on the 10th day you add sugar, flour, milk, divide into 4 and what left you make a loaf of bread/cake.
I like the idea of...
well, the attack happened on Sunday evening. It's now Wednesday evening and two of the three still seem out of it. One seems to be doing better, flaps her wings, eats well. The other two eat and drink, but don't seem normal.
One still hobbles favoring one leg over the other. She eats ok...
thanks ya'll.
I've never heard of rescue remedy before. do I have to get it at a health store or can I get it at country feed store. I'm pretty far from the city, so health stores are a week-end thing.
and one more thing
how long before I can put other chickens with these guys?
Hubby is...
I really like the green house idea. That is just beautiful.
and I really like the idea of taking an old window and doing something like that for the garden or a patio.
Love the idea.
now, how to steal it?
Oh, thank you! you're being so sweet! :hugs
well, as far as the coop, the dog killed the others in the run, not the coop. The coop sits in the middle of the run, so the dogs can't sniff around the coop at all.
My good dog wasn't out there at all and hasn't left her bed. I think she can tell...
well, I thought about that, but since I have two other dogs, my dog (she's as good as gold) and we are dog sitting for my MIL, I thought that would really stress them out. I've left them in the coop with the door closed, I turned the red heat light back on (since there are only three, I wasn't...
Oh my gosh, Jason, I am so sorry!
I haven't been on in a while. I had no idea. No words can make it better, but know I'm praying for you and your family.
again, I am so sorry.
If you are my FB friends, ya'll already know my dog killed 8 of my 11 chickens. I'm just so upset. I cried all night. and what makes it worse is it really is MY and MY HUSBANDS fault. That makes it 10 times worse
When I built the run, the gate it was really flimsy, but I knew it would need...
thanks ya'll
I made a batch of vanilla pudding and a double batch of dark chocolate pudding.
Everyone in the house is excited about pudding an thinks I amazing!!! how funny is that?? :lau
I have a half gallon of milk from the store (2%) that hasn't turned yet, but is pretty darn close.
what can I do with it? can I make anything? I don't have any starter so can't do cheese. unless it's the kind you make with vinegar.
any ideas?
nah, I'm good. I have a walmart sack full of seeds. not even sure where I'm gonna plant the ones I have. I just hate to miss a bargain. I think it's the horder in me.
pullet and straight run :lau
(BYC had a thread on a guy that works at Tractor Supply claiming the breeds available were pullet and straight run)
well, the guy I talked to said possibly barred wyandottes or leghorns, buff orps & maybe RIR's.
I dunno :idunno