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  1. okiegirl1

    SS Garden thread 2010, post your pics here!!

    hey Lady, what did you do to get rid of the gophers? I have those little devil spawn in my yard and have no idea how to make them DIE!! side story...... I was walking to the mail box and I hear this ... um... I dunno,.... noise over by the tree. sounded like a mouse or something. anyway, I...
  2. okiegirl1

    making maple syrup

    yea, if I tried that I'd prolly poison myself. "Honey, I swear we can eat pine syrup!!!" :sick
  3. okiegirl1


    I didn't know they had a barter section...... ..... running off to go check out the barter section......
  4. okiegirl1

    making maple syrup

    oh, you should learn. How cool would that be to make your own maples syrup and give it away as gifts?? Oh, in a little basket with pancake mix and a wisk. I want a couple of your trees! :D
  5. okiegirl1

    making maple syrup

    you can tap a silver maple and get sap to make syrup? I was reading the SS Blog and it said silver maples can be tapped. I never knew that. I thought it was only sugar maples (which a have none) not silver (which I have a gazillion) really???
  6. okiegirl1

    BBH's campfire fun~popping in

    ah, the girls LOVE fighting over you!
  7. okiegirl1

    BBH's campfire fun~popping in

    dang STAULKER!!!! :plbb
  8. okiegirl1

    BBH's campfire fun~popping in

    welcome home! ya know..... Oklahoma is only a hop, skip and a jump from Texas. If you have to ever go back..... we have an extra room...... my dd LOVES kids.......I'll let you play with my new baby chickens. :D Did you get a chance to try my ol' trick on getting the ex to finally jump ship?
  9. okiegirl1

    SS Garden thread 2010, post your pics here!!

    ah.... 5ish" deep. give or take.
  10. okiegirl1

    SS Garden thread 2010, post your pics here!!

    Ok, here's my plots of dirt, complete with MP's tater growin' buckets. :D
  11. okiegirl1

    Interesting to me- reasons

    k, this prolly has nuthin' to do with nuthin'. I'm going back to college for the summer semester. I scored a 26 on my reading/writing ACT but too much time had passed, so I had to take a COMPASS test. Since I scored 99, the advisor told me to CLEP out of Freshman Comp I & II. I can barley...
  12. okiegirl1

    Interesting to me- reasons

    We have HAD to homeschool our daughter off and on because of her health problems. Neither my husband nor I enjoyed it. DD really missed being around peers. She was bored most of the time. I felt like I was actually dumbing her down because I had forgotten most of what she had to learn. We...
  13. okiegirl1

    Look at the new additions.... little one died :(

    one of my little guys is pretty listless. He's been sleeping alot. The others are running around making all kinds of noise, and this little one is just laying there. I've picked him up and it wakes him up, but as soon as I hold him just a sec. he goes to sleep again. Looks like I might lose...
  14. okiegirl1

    Look at the new additions.... little one died :(

    I can give 'em stuff now? I think they are like 4 days old...? maybe. They have the tinest little starts of feathers on the tips of their little wings. edited 'cause I guess I can't type
  15. okiegirl1

    Look at the new additions.... little one died :(

    Well DUH! gosh, I hate when I do that... and for all to see too! :rolleyes:
  16. okiegirl1

    Look at the new additions.... little one died :(

    Well, we have two dogs and at first they kept licking their lips and whining. after about a million "NO, leave the babies alone!" they now just stare. It's funny, our older girl growles at the younger one if she gets too close to the babies. Not sure if she's guarding them or wants them all...