Chives, Scallions, Yellow Sweet Onions, and Red Delicious Onions seeds are all in the soil in the garage.
I used a variety of starter mixes. I had some old Burpee peat pellets I bought on clearance last year that I used for the chives. I couldn't find the soilless seed-starter mix so I used up...
:yikes: You guys are already planting? I thought I was ahead of the game!!! I just got a bunch of supplies, but was going to plant onions later this week.
I just got 9 2'x4' flourescent 4-tube light fixtures (designed for drop ceilings) from CL for $90, bulbs included!!
I just need to connect a cord to each one and build a fixture out of scrap wood to hang them on.
Quick question - each one of these has a diffuser panel to soften the light...
I'm only starting a few plants in about 2 weeks - onions, asparagus roots, mainly and chives in about 3 weeks. The bulk of my plants, according to my Mother Earth News garden planner, won't be sown indoors until March & April.
Looking over my Farmtek catalog along with my Jung Seed catalog.
Keep in mind that cost is a factor here as I am just starting.
Both are selling 10x20 flats, with options to put in 36, 48, or 72 cell inserts.
The Jung Seed catalog has deeper cell options, 3 1/8 versus 2 1.4 in Farmtek...
As mentioned in other posts, I'm trying to start my own garden indoors on the cheap.
I've researched DIY fixtures and store-boughts to build as many grow lights as I can for as little as possible.
Seems to me the biggest bang for my buck would be these at Home Depot.
Reviews are lousy except...
A pretty good book for a beginner or intermediate gardener is "Self Sufficiency on a 1/4 Acre" by Brett Markham. Based on this book, I estimated that using SFG methods, I should be able to grow enough produce in 700 sq. ft. of garden space to feed a family of 3 who eats a reasonable amount of...
Anybody have a good resource for understanding the labelling of the LED bulbs?
I still haven't figured out which LED bulbs are equivalent to a standard 60W incandescent in lumens and will fit in the socket.
Also, if anyone knows of any good shopping websites to get the best value on LEDs?
My goal is to get to the point where we can budget semi-annually or even annually so that we can shop year-round for the best deal and buy in bulk.
For example, I have a 200 gallon gas tank at my farm. I'm not currently using it, but I envision being able to wait until there's a seasonal drop...
Ah, but I do... it's got to save some $$$, right? and you get healthier meat.
It's convincing the family that is the hard part, and figuring out the best way to avoid the bloodiest aspects of it.
Probably more cost effective if you can find birds that are good for both meat and eggs, right?
When looking for a "processor" what would I look up in the directory? Butchers, Meat processors?
I don't want to raise chickens or rabbits for meat for 3 reasons:
1. The kids want to name all the animals and it will be hard to explain why Lucy went missing. And Bobbie. And Gertrude. And Matilda. And...
2. I don't care much for butchering and I can't imagine it would be...