For those with young kids, how often do you eat out as a family?
How often do you eat out or get fast food on your own or with just your kids?
How much do you budget for groceries?
Just trying to gage where we might make adjustments. I feel like we eat out too often. Family thinks otherwise.
A guy on CL is offering free clean fill dirt, as much as we want, just for the cost of delivery. We are needing some in our new raised beds, roughly 15-18 cubic yards. Everywhere I've called has quoted $12-$20 per cubic yard, so this would be a pretty good score if it works out.
I asked him if...
Where do you get your pallets? I'm finding most of the big box stores (which have lots and lots of pallets) recycle theirs or have them picked up. The smaller places only seem to get 1 or 2 at a time.
Forgot to mention, you can check out more pictures and info about our farm at! Also, please like our FB page at here. I've heard FB grants you some additional perks (free ads, etc.) when you reach 400 likes on your page.
I've been around a couple weeks but wanted to formally introduce myself.
My name is Craig, 35yo, married with 3 kids. Wife and I just moved from the Indianapolis suburbs to a small town of about 4000 in a rural county of Ohio. I grew up in the country but did not live on a farm, though I did...
Mom always put a damp wash cloth over a heating pad and had me lie with my ear directly on the heating pad/washcloth. Usually within 30-40 minutes it would drain.
Here's something I learned from Weight Watchers. Take some raw cauliflower and sprinkle with butter and salt topping. Heat in the microwave for a few seconds (not long enough to cook it but long enough to melt the butter) and you've got a pretty good popcorn substitute.
Haven't tried it myself...
Thanks for the info. Maybe I can ask a neighbor to save me some fresh peas from their garden so I can try them this year.
I have a hundred year old barn with a newer lean-to on the side. The lean-to is insulated and so I planned to start the plants in there. So how unheated is my barn? Well...
I'm not sure. But the regular green peas out of the can, yuck! I've never really had any other kind.
We are also purchasing a 1/2 share in a local CSA this year - a relatively inexpensive way for us to try some things we hadn't liked before. We tried okra and sphagetti squash last year for the...
I will be starting my seeds in an unheated barn, most likely. I don't really have anywhere in the house to start them. Mother Earth News tells me all those others should be started in March.
Won't be growing any beets, radishes, or peas. Can't stand them.
That helps a lot. More information than I anticipated.
I'd heard that you shouldn't harvest the asparagus until the 2nd year. You're saying 5. I currently had planned to put them in a raised waist-high bed (which is made from untreated lumber). Sounds like given the time it takes to mature, I...
I'm not quite sure what I'm going to start with. I need to put in my orders now. Trying to start up as inexpensive as possible so seeds are the preferred route.
This is only my second garden ever, and last years garden was kind of a wash. I may have broke even, but only a few items came up.
This year, with my new raised beds, more learning, and a head start, I'm hoping for big gains.
Mother Earth News planner tells me that in Ohio, I should be...
I built my beds entirely from Lowe's gift cards that my family had given me, which means I pretty much had to use yellow pine. I constructed all the frames yesterday and they're leaning against my barn waiting for the ground to dry a little bit before I place them. So, at this point, no, can't...
~gd - that was the suggestion I read somewhere else on this forum I think. Do you have any better ideas to lengthen the life of the wood from weathering and water damage?