Very nice!
This year my potatoes are planted in boxes of straw. I had a bale left over from my straw bale garden layout, and I figured straw should work similarly to leaves. So I broke it open and mixed in dirt and such to make it more composty. (Is that a word?) We'll see how they do...
Wow, congratulations! What are those, and will you be eating them?
My husband and I fish here in Oregon (west coast of USA), but haven't caught anything yet. We both are successful in the more eastern states, but fish here are different. Different foods, different eating patterns... just...
For me, recipes are suggestions, they're ideas, they're inspiration. Heck, sometimes all I take from a recipe is the title!
I like complicated recipies, but then I adapt them to what I have in the pantry. By the time I'm finished substituting cod with tilapia, slices of onions with slices of...
I have considered the injections, but never had one. But vitamin B pills are my go-to suppliment when I'm feeling draggy and tired (assuming there's no external reason for it, like not sleeping enough or not drinking enough water). I'm interested in hearing how long the injection lasts!
I've been thinking recently that my approach to living more self-sufficiently is rather slapdash. I hear about something, and if I think it sounds useful and good, I research it. If it looks plausible, I try it. And hopefully it works out well and brings me closer to being self sufficient.
I always say to trust your gut. If you THINK he was shady, and you act accordingly, you have nothing to fuss at yourself for later - and maybe you'll still have your trailer too!
I agree that it's funny, though I don't watch it often. Of course they don't show the boring day-to-day stuff where the people actually sit down and MAKE DUCK CALLS. They must do that sometimes - stores are full of them, and in some shots the Duck Dynasty warehouse has boxes and boxes of them...
ORChick, we have a LOT in common. I was 5'4" and 182 lbs. I never realized that was obese, either. Until I was bored in the doctor's office waiting for him to come in, and perused the BMI chart. UGH! I mean, really - I was a size 12! That's the USA average size for women! How can that be obese...
I love mine. I end up stockpiling food even when I don't intend to! But it let us eat for free (and save the grocery money) the last 3 weeks before we moved to Oregon, just eating the freezer empty so we could move it! :D
The milk crates is a great idea. I used cardboard boxes, which worked...
Awesome! I'm especially thrilled to read how you introduced your granddaughter to the process. I'm glad she thought yours were better than the store's. :D
I'm a slacker too. I bought shampoo and conditioner to use at the gym instead of taking my natural stuff. And I dug out an old thing of typical detergent to take to the laundromat the other day - I was too mentally tired for the "looks" and potential run-in with the manager.
And I was supposed...
I culled five rabbits today. In the last two weeks I've had three rabbits die, and the symptoms all point to listeria. :hit
I don't know where it's coming from. After making my diagnosis I suspected a food source for the initial one and maybe the second, but it keeps spreading. I had a third...
Natural Family Planning is definitely NOT the same as the Rhythm Method. The Rhythm Method relies on the average number of days in your cycle, and what day it is today. Natural Family Planning relies on the signs your body gives when it is about to ovulate and when it is finished ovulating. NFP...
I run the kitchen section of a food bank. I spend five hours every Thursday making up bags of frozen food for people who have such low incomes that they are at risk of not having enough to eat. It's a lot of fun.
I get to know a lot of the repeat customers. I get to know how many people in...
I made two reusable grocery bags out of old t-shirts. That saves money because I get 5 cents off my grocery bill for every reusable bag I use to bag my groceries!
Urk! I wouldn't want to see one in my yard, that's for sure. But at the same time, it helps to know what your main predator is, isn't it? Knowing is keeping your birds protected a little while longer.
(And the dog breed is spelled Basenji. ;) )
I finally remembered to take my reusable bags with me to the grocery store today. Saved six cents! (And now that I know they give you a credit for bringing your own bags, I'll remember mine from now on.)