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  1. D

    DianeS - Listeria spreading, culling the rabbits

    For the first time, tonight, I ate an animal that I had named. Blah. I wasn't sure how I'd feel about that, but he had to go. There's just no room on this postage-stamp sized homestead for animals that don't produce, and he and his mate produced three litters of dead kits, and only ever one or...
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    The best price I've found on CORNISH CROSS

    Remember to include shipping costs when you're pricing chicks! Sometimes the shipping can double the cost of the chicks. Different hatcheries have different costs for chicks AND different shipping costs.
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    Anyone ever ask for cash discount ?

    I ALWAYS ask for a cash discount. The best one recently was when I had my gas fireplace repaired. The bill was $115, I asked if he gave a discount for cash and he said he'd take $100. I have the best success in getting cash discounts from owners of small businesses, and from salespeople on...
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    Im new! excited to join this forum

    Cool! We have that in the US too, it's called thrift shopping here. There are one or two other posters in Australia, but I can't remember who right now. Hopefully they'll chime in soon. :frow Nice to have you here!
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    Tomorrow I'll be canning pinto beans. Probably I think I have enough to run the canner at least three times. I'm liable to run out of lids before I run out of beans. But I am completely out of indoor storage for things like bags of dry beans, so something has to go into the...
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    Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

    Aw, I hope you feel better soon!
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    Excalibur dehydrator?

    Well, that's good to hear! Sounds like you're happy with it. I just got my very first dehydrator, so I like reading about other's successes with theirs. Thanks for posting the mini review!
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    N.E. Oregon off-grider joining up

    :frow from the Willamette Valley of Oregon! Nice to see someone close to me!
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    I used to live in Colorado Springs, and one night I let my dogs outside to relieve themselves before bed. They charged out of the house like usual, but stopped dead in their tracks only a couple feet from the house. They whined, they paced, and in the end they wouldn't pee. I figured there was...
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    I made and canned dog food. I feed my prts as well as I feed my family, so that means natural, identifiable foods that don't come pelleted. Although I don't worry about taste for them. This batch was 2 whole chickens that were a bit tough, baked and deboned. Several pounds of green beans and...
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    Straw bale gardening in the Pacific NorthWest?

    I was wondering if there was anyone here who lives in the extremely rainy Pacific NW who has done straw bale gardening. I tried it in Colorado but it was SO dry and hot there that it didn't work well at all. I would think that the rain we get here (I'm in Oregon) would be ideal for straw bale...
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    Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

    Awwwww! Sounds like you had a great time!
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    DianeS - Listeria spreading, culling the rabbits

    I got a food dehydrator today, from Goodwill! I got a Nesco with four trays and a fruit roll tray. It's this one: No instruction booklet, but I'm sure I can find that online and print it. I'm so...
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    How much do you practice?

    Denim deb, when you practice this stuff, do you practice individual skills or do you do everything for a set period of time. (Like, light a fire and blow it out, light a fire and blow it out, etc - vs - light a fire and cook dinner over it, and do that every so often.)
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    How much do you practice?

    I thought I was pretty well set for most common "emergencies" that are likely to happen around here. I have my supplies, I've read up on how to use them, I felt pretty good. So when the lights went out Christmas Day (after dark), I whipped out my stuff to put together olive oil lamps. I got...
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    I know what I'm getting for Christmas :(

    Never pay retail! At the very least, ask if they'd let you take the floor model at a discount. You may save enough money to still get something fun.
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    Too much compost?!?

    Thanks everybody! Yes, I have plenty of "brown" to mix in with all this stuff, so keeping it balanced isn't an issue. The problem is the sheer SIZE that this pile is going to become. I really don't know how long I will be able to keep picking up the restaurant compostables. But I'm going to...
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    Too much compost?!?

    I am looking for a better way to handle having a very, very, VERY many things to compost. I am happy to have this problem! I'm used to having a single pile, I just add new things to one side of it and sort of stir them in, and when I want a small amount of compost I just use a shovel to dig...
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    I have never

    Triplicate post. Sorry! :rolleyes:
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    I have never

    Duplicate post.