Sounds like you're doing it the smart way - making sure you can handle it before you're responsible for live ones.
My preferred method of dispatching rabbits is a rabbit wringer. If you have one, or have anything that resembles one, I find that method easiest. Basically any two immovable...
Whew! Thanks, y'all. The canner is finished (it ended up around 13 lbs of pressure) and the cans look good. I'm starting to relax since it looks like they all sealed. I'm excited, I've been waiting a long time to get a canner and get some of this stuff out of my freezer!
I am pressure canning some homemade dog food - a mix of rice, veggies, and turkey. It's my very first time canning.
It's supposed to be canned at 11 lbs of pressure. But I can't get it to settle at 11 lbs. I know every time the pressure dips below 11 lbs, I have to start my timing over. That's...
Adult rabbit is like any older animal meat. Just cook it lower and slower than you might cook a younger one. Anything in the crock pot would be great. The PP who mentioned simmering is right on, too. I think I'd just avoid baking it like a roast, or straight out boiling it - anything slower than...
Brutal? I bet those rabbits were raised in better conditions, and you can process them more humanely, than any kind of meat they eat from the grocery store. Not brutal at all.
That said, I would not tell the sellers your plans. Unless they ask. I take a "don't volunteer but don't lie" position...
I have a friend who wants two chickens for eggs. I keep trying to tell her it's simple, but she doesn't believe me. I tell her: Buy a doghouse, put a good fence around it with a roof. Buy point-of-lay pullets. Put them together with shavings in the doghouse, and food and water in bowls. Viola...
How awesome that you have an understanding landlord. So do we! We have a tiny house on a tiny lot, it's a rental too - but we have 4 egg chickens, raised and butchered 21 meat chickens this past spring, and currently have 18 rabbits. Plus two cats and a dog. And the landlord left her cat for us...
I'm so sorry! What a horrible thing to have happen. I'm glad you were home and could act quickly - you probably saved the second pig with your husband's quick actions. Keep us updated.
I didn't get them. The seller was being flaky. I asked for basic info like vaccination history, current food, height, etc. The seller only got back to me with half the information, and never replied with the rest. So I passed. They were more than an hour away and I did not want to drive that far...
My ideal rabbit structure would have:
>>A sloped roof - the tallest side would be six feet from the ground so I can easily walk under it, the rabbit cages would be set in about 2 feet from that side. I want to be able to walk up to the cages and stand under the roof out of the rain!
The short...
When would be the best time to get these rabbits? (Meaning season wise, we know they can't breed until after they're 6 months old)
That really doesn't matter. Bucks can go temporarially sterile in the summer heat (above 80 or 90 degrees F), and you may want to avoid having a litter born in...
I've done mealworm farming before - super easy. My experiences mimic everyone else's. My beetles never tried to climb out. Never even walked on the side of the container, at all. I used a plastic bin, not sure if they'd walk on something else like cardboard. The beetles don't fly at all.
I found the best score on canning jars today! And it was just next door, too. Estate sales are great in general, and I loved not having to haul this stuff too far.
And the best part was the cost - just $7 for the whole thing! Ten cents each for the jars ($5.20), and $1.80 for the rest...
I have seen people take a t-shirt with a nice logo or pattern on it, and wrap it around corkboard (staple it on the back), to make an interesting bulletin board. Especially great for school t-shirts, or those with cartoon characters.
I'm positive I replied to this earlier today, but now it isn 't here. If anyone finds a weird reply hanging on to some other thread, it probably belongs here!
That said, Congratulations! It always feels good to finish a long project, doesn't it?
Is there anything you can do to the ground in...
It's never easy to lose a loved one, no matter the species or where it lived. {hugs} Sounds like she had a good life, and knew where to hang out for comfort and security after that stroke. I hope another one finds you quickly, you offer a good home.