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  1. D

    What to do for sunburn?

    What, and break my wrist? Chairs are HARD, girl! They need a kicking smiley, then I'll tackle the chairs and those who hide under them! :P
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    What to do for sunburn?

  3. D

    What to do for sunburn?

    Ohhhhhh, the sunburn is feeling so much better. A good Aloe Vera gel was the winner. It stopped being so painful, and went to itching, pretty quickly. Then the peeling started right after. It LOOKS terrible! But I can wear shirts again. :D Still no bra, but it's getting there. At least with a...
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    What to do for sunburn?

    Ugh. I now have hundreds of little blisters all over the burn. I called the doctor, but she's not available for two weeks, and the nurse says just to keep doing what I'm doing and to not break any of the blisters. Double ugh. I haven't been able to wear a bra since I got the burn, and now I...
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    DianeS - Listeria spreading, culling the rabbits

    I've been home about three hours (and awake for more than 26 since I didn't sleep on the plane). Welcome home, me! Since I've been home, I managed to accidentally let the chickens out of their run (finally got them back in), accidentally ran into at least half a dozen thick spider webs (I think...
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    What to do for sunburn?

    I went swimming on Saturday for several hours, and got an awful sunburn. My face and chest are healing in the typical sunburn timeline, but my shoulders are still bright red and very tender. International date line stuff makes this confusing, but for me, the Saturday I got the burn was 84 hours...
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    Two adults here. I do "regular laundry" each weekend - that consists of one load of whites and one of darks. I also wear a lot of red, and I normally let that one pile up until I'm out of red clothing, then I wash all red things all at once with nothing else in the load, every 2 weeks. The...
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    DianeS - Listeria spreading, culling the rabbits

    I am ranting today. I've been in the Philippines for just over a month. Hubby is with me. We live with a wonderful host family, and have everything we need. But I am going slowly crazy here, not being able to do anything by myself or even for myself! The father in the host family is VERY...
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    Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

    That wren story is cute. I know some animals play, so why not birds? Maybe he was a young one and enjoyed figuring out the different textures and angles on his feet. Kind of like a jungle gym?
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    DianeS - Listeria spreading, culling the rabbits

    :smack That's for you, DD! Seriously though, baymule, my husband is doing research here for his Master's Degree in sociology. The research is narrowing itself down, and may end up being on the true cost impoverished people pay when they seek health care - even free, government-paid-for health...
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    DianeS - Listeria spreading, culling the rabbits

    Things to do when visiting the Philippines. 1 - Sweat. 2 - Sit inside to avoid the tropical storm that's blowing roofs off. 3 - Squeeze 14 people into a vehicle that seats five, and ride down a very bumpy road. 4 - Kill spiders bigger than my shoe. Why am I here again? Oh yeah, my husband. :P...
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    livin' on the funny farm- SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Here's a couple more places to try: If you choose to contact any of them, please do be clear that he showed up at your house (you...
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    Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?

    Looked like it was going to let me comment with my WordPress info, but then it didn't and I don't know why. (OK, there was an error message, but it was in Filipino, so that didn't help me much. :P) But anyway, good start for a blog - now post more!
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    Manual laundry - one week and I'm tired of it!

    :he :he :he :he :he :he :he Last night my host asked how doing laundry was. Then he said "next time you can use our washing machine". SERIOUSLY??? You have a WASHING MACHINE and you did not TELL US??? :smack :rant :somad It was only the good breeding that my parents painstakingly instilled...
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    Manual laundry - one week and I'm tired of it!

    My hands are sooo sore. :( I just completed three "loads" of manual laundry. I mean COMPLETELY manual laundry - no bucket, no plunger, no wringer, no laundry line! I do have a bathroom sink, and a shower stall, but both lack a plug to keep the water from draining out. We are currently in the...
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    Free rabbit cages in Western WA!

    Gaaaaah! That's only 8 hours from me. But that's a bit far to drive for a curb alert. :(
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    Feed and food prices are supposed to skyrocket again

    I stopped in the grocery store today for some spaghetti sauce and saw that Huntz has gone from 86 cents per can to $1.36 per can. I bought a bunch of the 86 cent ones just three weeks ago! That's an insanely high increase in price. Sheesh.
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    DianeS - Listeria spreading, culling the rabbits

    I have lost the cables to my camera - grrrr! So you'll just have to visualize this one. I have a new frame for eight rabbit cages! I'm so stoked. The rabbit cages had been hanging and sitting in various places in the back yard. Some were sitting on top of unusable wire cages, some were using...
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    Where I grew up, what you did with zucchini was put them in a pile by the end of your driveway with a sign that says "Free". Of course, since everybody overplanted and did the same thing, you eventually had to do something else with them, like zucchini baseball or giving them to your kids to...