pinkfox is right - by the time the rabbit "gives in" and shows signs of pain or distress, it's serious and often means impending death. They will hide signs until they simply can't hide them any more. Regular checks will show you more potential problems and milder problems than relying on the...
Heat could definately do it, and so could blockages. Those tend to be the culprits of mystery deaths. Since you're prepping to butcher anyway, I'd suggest you practice on those two, and see if you can see anything inside. A blockage would be visible, if you find one it would answer your...
One dish meals we like include:
Pot roast - piece of beef/venison/pork, slow cooked with onion soup, potatoes, and celery.
Pot chicken - whole chicken, slow cooked with rice and carrots.
Sort-of beef stroganoff - bite sized piece of beef/venison, green beans cooked soft in beef gravy, served...
Two hand-crank meat grinders, one size 3 and one size 2 - $6.00 from Goodwill
One hand-crank meat slicer - $20 from Craigslist
The ability to slice and grind all the chicken I put in my freezer last week - priceless!
The grinders need cleaned, but they're in good condition. The...
Thanks for the encouragment, DeniseCharleston. I kept a spreadsheet (at my husband's request) so we didn't have to rely on our memories or stacks of receipts to figure out if this was financially worth it. Looking at all the facts and figures I have at my fingertips now, I'm glad I did!
All the meat chickens are in the fridge/freezer, and I have done up my numbers (cost, poundage, etc) to share. (Sorry for the formatting stuff, it looks fine in the edit screen, but obviously not so fine when it's live.)
In March we purchased 4 Rhode Island Red day-olds and 2 Americauna...
I don't know, Betta, I kinda hope you continue the journal in spite of this extra difficulty. Lousy refrigerators and outdated food happen to people on foodstamps, too. Wouldn't it be nice to see the final journal of someone (like you) who had a mini-disaster and who tried to recover from it...
LOL! I have two cats of my own, and the half-a-cat is a good story. My hubby and I were not being successful in finding a rental house that would allow all the animals we have. But we finally found this one, and the owner said she'd knock $25 a month off the rent if she could leave her cat with...
I am T.I.R.E.D.! I can't seem to catch up on my sleep this week. One day I put four chickens into the freezer, and realized how out of practice I am! Took hours and got me to bed late. Another day I had to drop my hubby off at school, go to the bank, stop at the feed store, get a key made, moved...
Urgh. So sorry to hear that. Sorry you were alone, too - but glad that also meant you didn't run into opposition over your solution to the dogs until it was completely over. Hope your day gets better.
LOL! My largest Cornish Rock cockerel has decided my left shoe is evil. And my two nursing does think it's their duty to pretend to hate me. It must be in the water.
I think the hard part is going to be remembering to track EVERYTHING. I mean, if you even put a dash of rosemary in something, we need to write it down and find out how much a container of rosemary costs at the grocery store. Same thing with a clove of garlic, salt, or squirt of lemon juice. I'm...
Well, THESE injuries weren't. But I can't say the same for all the ones I've ever had. I once took my dog down a playground slide. The leash was attached to her harness, and wrapped around my wrist, and the middle flapped behind us - then caught on the top of the slide when we were halfway down...
Have I mentioned recently that I'm still getting the hang of this homesteading thing? This weekend was the worst. I am cut and bruised and swollen all over, from multiple things. Ready for the list?
First of all is a bunch of scratches on my left arm and stomach. They are from the mother rabbit...
It's definately not a job, but I sell plasma. Correction - I donate plasma and they compensate me for my time. (Whatever!) They pay $25 for the first donation of the week and $35 for the second (max twice a week). So if I do it every time I'm eligible, that's $240 per month. It is not reliable...