I never have no, but I wouldnt feel bad about it. Deer cause SOO much damage to crops here it's just insane. Sure... you might be cheating to fill your freezers, but you also need to protect your orchards. Dont look at it as permits for meat, look at it as permits to save your orchard. You...
Yeah i usually freeze pumpkin too, but I saw some recipes somewhere for pumpkin butter, and thought it sounded good.
Here's another question. I found a baked bean recipe (made it up, actually) that my dh LOVES. Uses Pork and Beans. I was looking at the jumbo pork n bean cans for $4-something...
I can. But I have virtually NO garden this year, other than my tomatoes. So hopefully, I will be canning tomatoes, and blackberry jelly. Applesauce, Apple butter, and thinking of trying pumpkin butter....anyone ever make that??
I understand not duplicating things that are on byc or teg, but as for not making subforums because others forums already exist on that subject won't work. I cant think of one forum on this site (or byc or teg for that matter) that there isnt already a forum about. TheCoop, FrugalLiving...
I recently got a beer making kit, and today I bottled my first batch. Will take a week for it to carbonate, the directions says. I tasted it today and tasted like beer, but was flat. Anyways, I was hoping to save money by making my own, but couldnt believe the price of the "kits". Anyone...
Now that IS a wonderful idea. I have hundreds of jars laying around, and they take up as much space empty as full. Anywhere know where to buy lids in bulk??
They're not hard to keep, but there's some work involved. Need to check on them for mite infestation, and building of new queen cells (which means they are about to swarm). Need to rob the honey, and extract it in some way. Feed them in certain types of situations, and add empty supers as...
Get you some 5 gallon buckets with sealable lids for bug and critter proofing. I'd feel comfortable with 2 5 gallon buckets of flour, 1 of sugar, 1 of rice, 5 lbs of salt, and as many canned goods as money and space allow. No need to worry about dates on cans... they'll last indefinitely...
The three most important things in my opinion are
1) a way to get drinkable water, or purify mucky water
2) guns with plenty of ammo and preferrably reloading components.
3) seeds of food crops.
With those three things, you should be able to make it a long time, with a lot of work and a...
You'll need a hive, Langstroth or a Top Bar. If using the former, you'll also need frames of foundation, and comb. A bee suit and veil I would HIGHLY reccomend, as well as gloves (some dont use them, but I am not near that brave.) And you'll need bees! lol.
The best cheapest way for...
I recall being taught how to balance a check book in grade school. But that's the only thing I remember, there may of been more to it, but not that I remember.
Another point is that back in the day, kids were often required to pitch in to fmaily expenses, and ALL of kids "luxeries" were bought...