I've found, and this is just me y'understan', when I have a craving I sort of analyze it to find out what it's about. A craving for potato chips would make me wonder if I'm getting enough potassium in my diet. Personally, I went to the doctor one time and he told me I was low on sodium-what...
Y'know, I think the problem is more pervasive than that. I think here in America at least, EVERYTHING is disposable. It's no wonder we produce more waste than any other country in the universe. But I'm with you, I tend to like fewer and fewer humans these days but I haven't met an animal yet...
No, I think the mares are generally treated pretty well though mine had never, ever in her 16 years of life had her hooves trimmed.
And there are many synthetic sources of HRT available these days. The breast cancer scare cleaned out many of the PMU farms but when they backed off on that...
Premarin is an acronym for PREgnant MARe urINe. They generally use draft horses (bigger horse, more pee) and breed her to collect the urine which is sent to labs to make the hormone replacement therapy. The foals the mares eventually give birth to are unwanted by product. We already have too...
The one I automatically think of whenever someone says citrus tasting tomato is Pineapple. It's a big yellow tomato with a sweet, citrus, Pineapple taste to it. Absolutely marvelous on a big ol' ham sandwich or bacon burger and it's an heirloom tomato so you can save seed and have it every year.
We did that too!!!! Mom had a word of the day for each of us. We had to look it up, learn it's definition and learn it's forms and use the word at dinner. My mother never came to see me sing at school. She never saw me run track and she never saw me in the school plays. She didn't care...
My daughter, who grew up to be an editor, would gladly join us. She gets so wild about misplaced apostrophes and things like their, there, they're that we might lose control of her. I don't know how she got that way. :hu
My garden is on a spreadsheet. So I know year to year what I grew, how it grew and how we liked it. Like a couple years ago I had a hybrid paste tomato that I grew and oh my goodness, I was inundated with these tomatoes. There was more tomato than bush and they just kept producing day after...
A couple of my gardening books tell you to freeze your seeds and then thaw slowly first in the fridge then in room air just before planting. I never have but I do keep my seeds in the garage where it's pretty cold all winter until I fire up the brooder for all the baby chickens and turkeys.
Are you kidding? My garden for this year was planned by the time harvest was over. I always evaluate what's growing and how much produce we got and it goes OFF the list or ON the list depending on the yield and overall performance including taste.
Once again we will have the green house full...
I like your tree of life. It works on several levels but the idea of the light of the world shining out of the tree of life appeals to me greatly. Can't wait to see the finished product.