One of the things I noticed when I was nursing and when Daddy was dying of cancer is that even when the treatments were helping to kill the cancer they were destroying the appetite and causing so much pain that the patient would die mostly from running out of energy to keep fighting. I do so...
If you're insane you need to call a doctor and get me the room next to yours because that's heaven on a stick there. I'd jump all over that place if I were you. Good luck!
I've noticed too that there's a HUGE calling for doll clothes. If you can make American Doll doll clothes for cheaper than they charge at the store or catalog or wherever you get American Doll stuff you'd be rollin' in the dough. Personally, I can't afford American Doll but I know a lot of...
Luckily I'm a firm believer in "you gotta spend money to make money" so today we spent money to buy pasture seed for our turkey pens.
Hey, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
I wonder....can I sub some peanut butter for some of that butter or just put some peanut butter in there? I must have chunky peanut butter or peanuts or both in this mixture but it sounds just wondrous.
Oh, it's not that uncommon to have some hens act all aggressive and dominant like a roo. We had a tiny little Hamburg who never did give us a fertile egg because she figured she was more suited to be the boss than the roo we had her living with.
Sorry, but RIRs are one of the easiest birds in the world to sex just by combs, size and wattles. If you're not seeing any marked differences by seven months you got no boys. Take a look on Craigslist there's ALWAYS someone getting rid of roos.
I'd go with some candied carrots or sweet potatoes. No need for salt at all and go light with the brown sugar by using some cinnamon. Garlic is a great substitute for salt. I can easily do asparagus with some butter and garlic. Another good way to make green beans is to use home canned or...
LOL! We already ARE the grey haired people everyone thinks are the grandparents. A couple years ago we were buying Christmas gifts for the youngest kids (toys that were obviously for very young children) and the checkout lady asked Greg if he was getting these for his grandchildren. :lau I...
LOL! I believe that's EXACTLY what public schools are for as seen by the changes Texas schools have made to curricula and it's happening here too. Man, I don't want to start homeschooling again. LOL!
Yeah, y'know my Mother is SO proud of the fact that she never asked anybody for anything and certainly never got anything from the government. Know what I remember from my childhood? Going to bed hungry, working for hot lunches in the cafeteria and having kids make fun of me because we were...
Well, let's see. I guess they could both be working at Mickey D's making minimum wage and barely keeping their heads above water and paying no taxes or they could be going to school, 'draining the system' so that they can one day get great jobs and pay major taxes that will pay what they use...
Thanks everyone. We did this for years and years and that's how we ended up adopting so many kids so we felt like we needed to stop but we've really missed helping those little ones so we're going back to it again. Getting a lot of flack from the extended family because we're TOO OLD to be...
I'm thinking that of all the dumb crap my tax dollars go to support feeding a hungry kid breakfast is one of the things I'm not going to mind too much. A fed child is ready to learn, an educated child is less likely to be a criminal or on welfare, and an educated adult with a job will pay taxes...
They've received our paperwork and we're fixin' to offically re-open the doors as a foster home for sick infants. Scared but excited. Still need to get some baby clothes and STUFF gathered up when I get a little money ahead but we'll figure it out, we always do.