Unfortunately, the ONLY problem I ever had canning on a glass top stove was heat regulation. If I'd been at sea level instead of at 6800 feet I don't think I could have lowered the heat enough to keep the pressure right but luckily I have to can at a higher pressure so it was okay. Yes, your...
That's a good idea. Google LocalHarvest.com and see if there are any goaty farms around and then contact them and see if they're looking for help. I wish you much luck and I hope you find something that truly makes you happy. Life's too short to settle.
That's a good idea because I DON'T like the taste of green tea and I've tried several different brands from different places and they all taste UGH. But I do want the benefits. I'll have to try that. Thanks!
Wonder how that would taste in my cocoa.....?
Well that's how we do it now but that's an all day affair with who knows how much electricity and gas getting used. This puppy could do the ribs in an hour, saving electricity. I've also been cooking a lot of other things under pressure and I'm really in love with the way things taste when...
Yeah, well I'm dreaming about smoked ribs that are still nice and moist because they've been under pressure. Thinking about all those turkeys I have to process this year and how wonderful it will be to have smoked turkey legs and turkey breasts to put in the freezer. And I'll even be able to...
A source that's been invaluable to me is the canning2 group on yahoo.com. There's hundreds and hundreds of tried and true recipes in the files and there's always someone who's very, very experienced there to help you with questions or ideas. It's a wonderful resource. You'll even find a...
I agree with Pat with one little extra comment. Listen to your body. If your body says it wants something you are missing something, try to figure out what it is. I tend to crave salty snacks, I've found through experimentation that when I'm really hungry for salt what I NEED is potassium so...
Has anyone seen this? Anyone got one? Anyone know of a place that sells this for a WHOLE LOT cheaper? I WANT one, want one BAD!!!
DANG!!! We were just talking about canning cabbage rolls on my canning email list and now I'm STARVING for cabbage rolls but certain people (cough, cough dunkopf, cough, cough) can't stand the smell of cabbage cooking. I'm going to make some anyway and just ignore him when he starts whining...
You're not alone. I play games with words and numbers all the time. It scares me sometimes. But I will automatically rearrange letters in signs and on license plates and on medication advertisements and.....well, you get the picture just to see what the people REALLY meant. LOL! I do the...
One thing I've noticed though....because I AM a tomato addict: I bought Roma and Amish paste seeds from many, many different seed catalog sources and nursery seed displays and sometimes the fruit was tasteless, sometimes it was shaped differently, sometimes it didn't produce very much fruit at...
I like Baker for my melons and a few odds and ends. Pinetree is where I get my favorite lettuce mix and some other veggies like my favorite purple green beans. The tomatoes MUST come from Tomato fest (though I do get some from Bakers, Scheepers and Seed Savers) when they tempt me. And I know...
I really don't care one way or another about chocolate or coffee but I feel for those of you who do. Greg's going to Sam's for me this week so I'll make sure he picks up a big bag of choco chips so I can bake some cookies for the kids and put some more in the freezer but if the stuff...
Very lazy day for me anyway. Got up bright and early to make a whole bunch of sausage biscuits to put in the freezer for the kids' breakfasts, even made some extra biscuits to use for some ham sandwiches for the kids to take to school for lunches and then one of my ovaries decided to act up...
Oh hon, I have almost an acre in garden it's just that the tomatoes are my number one priority and if there's any extra space I'm gonna grab it for more tomatoes or more potatoes. It's just that a stalk of corn takes about 3 square feet of space and I can get five ears out of that. In that...
I grow about 75 tomato plants, mostly pastes so I can can tomato sauce, spaghetti sauce, chili, etc....
Gotta have my cucumbers and watermelons, zukes and peppers and onions and my good ol' mixed lettuce. I'm thinking this year we'll do some potatoes again and some sweet potatoes. I'll try to...
And that's very true. Here in Colorado we were just reminded that there were funds available for post-adoption services and I have to admit that given the present economy I was a little surprised.