Search results

  1. Rebecka

    egg-stealing egg eating thieving chickens

    I had two hens that were egg eaters. Not just their own, anyones eggs. We ate them. I know its not the best advice since you really aren't there to watch. What I did was stalk the coop. I swear they knew I was watching for them, since they wouldn't do it if I was in there. We couldn't do any of...
  2. Rebecka

    Ban on Milk Labeling Ruled Unconstitutional!

    Did you all hear that Monsantos stock has plummeted ? A few pricey mistakes with a new corn and a new soybean and they have had to abandon next years profit goals as well :ya
  3. Rebecka

    cleaning jars

    Its absolutely amazing that I never considered this for my canning jars. I use vinegar on my coffee pot, glass tea kettle. Our water here makes the canning jars all filmy and stuff. I scrub and scrub and scrub. I now have the bath tub filling to soak my jars! Thanks so much!
  4. Rebecka

    Ban on Milk Labeling Ruled Unconstitutional!

    I hadn't seen that yet. How exciting ! Hooray for the good guys! :ya I just hope this will carry over to the proceedings on trying to ban 'GMO Free" labeling
  5. Rebecka

    secret FDA memos show concerns over GMOs

    Wow! Thanks so much for posting this ! I was just reading a stock analysis for Monsanto and I have to admit it made me smile. I believe that change is happening, just far later and far slower than we all want.
  6. Rebecka

    Rebecka - Computer Geek gone Backwoods Chic

    Thanks! And thanks for reminding me about the generator! We've bought a used one that should run the freezer and my computer equipment but we've not yet tested it. That's suddenly made its way to the top of list :-) I couldn't really guess how much snow we actually get. We live in a fairly...
  7. Rebecka

    Rebecka - Computer Geek gone Backwoods Chic

    The first signs of autumn are showing. Cool nights , lovely days. This is typically my favorite time of year. This year seems to produced a whole new flurry of activity. This will be my first winter with livestock and it suddenly hit me how ill prepared we are. The chicken coop, up until now has...
  8. Rebecka

    Clear Jel vs. Cornstarch for canning??

    I made apple crisp with the pie filling last night. It came out REALLY good. I'll not be wasting money on Clear Gel anytime soon :)
  9. Rebecka

    "Git your *&$# over here and bring a gun!"

    suburbanhomesteader, while your opinion is always appreciated around here ( these people rock btw) we don't always agree and the best part is.. thats okay! We all come varying races, religions , back grounds and life styles. Guns, gun use and gun control are always hot topics, anywhere. We all...
  10. Rebecka

    Farmfresh City Homesteader - the sound of falling oaks.

    I don't know if I mentioned this before, but I have myself and my FIL on Devil's Claw for arthritis. It does not fix it, but FIL has lots less flare ups and the over all constant pain is down for both of us considerably. Might be worth checking out.
  11. Rebecka

    Clear Jel vs. Cornstarch for canning??

    I was just looking at the apple pie filling recipe posted in another thread and wondering the exact same thing. I was going to give it a go tomorrow with just corn starch. Mostly because its what I have on hand and I was just given 4 bushels of apples.
  12. Rebecka

    The different kinds of wheat berries

    Where are you all getting it if you want to grow it ? Seems to me now is a super good time to plant the heck out of it , right?
  13. Rebecka

    how well do *cheapie* hand-cranked grain mills hold up?

    I have 3.. oh wait. No, I have 4. I started with a cheapie just to see if I was actually going to follow trough with my evil plans of making my family eat better. I wore out the cheapie in less than 6 months. Mind you, it was used every single day. I make some sort of bread or pasta daily...
  14. Rebecka

    Looking for Volunteers to answer questions for dd's assignment.

    oh goodness! I had totally misread that and was trying to phrase my responses for a 9 year old not a ninth grader. Would you like me to redo them?
  15. Rebecka

    Ugh... Broke and struggling... Ideas anyone?

    Oh hon, I feel for you. Oh boy do I feel for you. Some posted this beautifully long list of work from home stuff. Much of it seemed to be computer related and if you are going to be paying that for a computer, it ought to be making you some income. Coffee scrub huh? I like coffee and scrubbing...
  16. Rebecka

    What did you bake/cook today? Show us your food pics.

    His and hers dinners. Mine first because thats the pic that loaded first. I had fresh made whole wheat pasta with fresh from the garden spinach, tomatoes and (store bought) artichokes in a marinade of EVOO with mint basil, garlic and I paired it with a dry mead from 2001 His is the same fresh...
  17. Rebecka

    Selling Eggs?

    :ep Wow! I give less for raw milk than what I would get for the cr*p in the grocery because of the amish around here. Freemotion, got any amish up your way? I really struggled with not comparing our eggs to stores or even other people doing the chickens in the yard thing. In fact, its why I...
  18. Rebecka

    Selling Eggs?

    Well, the sign says 2.50 but I think I might change it. A guy that bought a dozen two days ago just came back and bought 3 dozen and insisted we take 3.00 per. He brought us two big bags of cartons. He wanted to make sure it was okay with us that he was selling him to his daughters customers (...
  19. Rebecka

    Selling Eggs?

    I'm getting more per dozen than most everyone else around here. I had intended on pricing $1.50 per dozen but the wonderful folks around here talk me out of it, and it's a darned good thing too!
  20. Rebecka

    Birthday Aprons (PIX)

    Oh wonderful! Thanks for the pattern number. After years of Civil War dresses, I fear no hand basting. However, even mention pleating and I got into a bout of very unladylike verbage ;)