How wonderful ! I am sure both children will be thrilled to get something that came with so much care and consideration. I just love all the bits and bobbles on them.
I go on these apron making binges. Weeks of nothing but repairing and making new aprons. I used to think it took a long time to...
How long will it keep? well, the curiosity got to me and I recalled I had one lonely jar left of zucchini bread that I did back in April. It was a bit soggy, but tasted good with the hot pepper jelly :)
I use eggless recipes for canning breads whenever possible. I also only do pint jars. I...
I am actually selling eggs! 5 dozen in two days!!! :ya My sign is not very pretty. Just white with black lettering. So, I pulled a few hay bails out of the barn, a few pumpkins out of the garden, an armful of cornstalks and that seems to get folks attention. Thanks for all the advice guys. There...
You can get them from craft stores but you will pay more for them there. Lots of department stores still have craft sections in the smaller towns. I get mine from the local variety store. I think a package of 10 costs about a buck.
We burn them LOTs and LOTs. They give me the illusion of warmth in the winter ;)
My own version is a jelly jar with a dorked up lip, a weighted votive wick and regular veggie oil.
and the top view. I am not a photographer so don't laugh at my pics :P
In a pinch when I am without weighted...
suburbanhomesteader :welcome , there is no flaming around here. We all come from different teachings and do things differently. My father also taught me to get a clear shot and know what you are shooting at for sure. That worked well when I lived in town. Out in the country, things are a bit...
Oh man.. I hope you have meticulous logs! Start a journal. Give every single batch a catalog number. I know it sounds silly now, but I promise come time to drink on these one gallon batches, you will not recall exactly what you did, what the start gravity was and the little sudden bouts of...
Wow... you rock! I am really looking forward to hearing about the final gravity on the onion wine. I brew mead. A few years back I had a batch of local honey that just wasn't up to par. My mentor suggested adding onion to bring the sugar content up. I have to admit. If the bottle were not...
When in doubt throw it out :) I am late too, but I absolutely agree that you did the right thing. Trust your nose, eyes, and gut. If you feel its bad, it likely is and if you were wrong.. well, nobody knows ;)
I just put 16 quarts of ham and beans in the burn barrel because I didn't like the...
Okay, so I don't know if its just my recipe but when I make strawberry preserves (the no pectin recipe) I almost always have about 3 pints of strawberry syrup leftover. In the past I have just reprocessed it with pectin for a reasonable strawberry jelly. Not this time. I have strawberry jelly...
Okay, so we were considering this thingy. Does anyone have one and what do you think? We have a gas powered splitter, but want something a bit better than a maul should gas become an issue. It appears to be nothing more than a bottle jack with a foot pump. At 120.00 , its not something I am...
I always get a little sad this time of year at the loss of light, but for a few nights I get this lovely Lady to hold me over. I shared her company with a glass of mead from one of our older bottles. Both were too precious not to savor!
ah.. that could explain it then. She was hatched April 12th of this year. I knew that eggs without shells are not uncommon in young birds. I was more concerned that there were two.. at once.
I just call my grandmother and whine! ;)
No, really.. Core peel and slice a whole bunch of apples. I do 5lb batches. You can get one of those nifty little jobbies that does all that for you at once for about 15 bucks these days.
I toss them in a stock pot with some lemon juice and a about 2...
Do I have a problem ? I just found a hen in the back of the coop in the corner. I watched as she tried to lay an egg. Running yolk and white are what came out. Seconds later she laid an egg with no shell. Skin, but not shell. She is one of the young RIR's and one of my favorites. We feed layer...
That is simply stunning. Not in the pretty way in the slightly disturbing way :lol: Though I guess it is kind of pretty. When zombie mutants attack, I could possibly the most stylish of the survivors !
No, seriously. :D We started talking about this back in the spring and we are finally getting around to it. When we first started talking about it, we were in the midst of tilling, planting, doing all the start up stuff for the bees and trying to figure out what we were going to do with the 125...
Taste of the Wild for ours too. It was hard to spend that kind of money at first. Then I realized we weren't buying cat or dog food near as often. I thought maybe they didn't like it then I noticed that they weren't asking for tidbits from our plates anymore either. As for people food, I allow...