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  1. Rebecka

    Selling Eggs?

    Have I mentioned recently how much you all just rock? No? Well , you people rock! I can't express how much I appreciate all your thoughts, ideas and feedback. I am a tattooed , dreadlocked and pierced computer geek that suddenly took up farming and raising live stock. While I love every single...
  2. Rebecka

    New truck deserved a new bumper sticker.........

    OMG! I need one! Please say where you got it. My google search produced nada for that exact one.
  3. Rebecka

    Tired--anyone have?

    Apples. When I am wiped out but just can't sleep yet I will eat an apple or maybe two sometimes if its really bad. Its a short term burst of good stuff to get you through. My sweet husband insists that grapes are better and demanded that I tell you so :P
  4. Rebecka

    Selling Eggs?

    I think I am being over critical. I did ask for todays eggs. Which means he didn't get a chance to sort or maybe did not have enough better quality eggs from today to make a dozen?
  5. Rebecka

    Selling Eggs?

    Okay.. Lots and Lots of good points! So, I think we have decided 3.00 a dozen. What do you think about Not putting a price on the sign? I hadn't even considered someone would want to hatch the eggs. By spring all we will have is buffs and RIR's and they will be separated. I will be able to...
  6. Rebecka

    Uses for wine bottles?

    I agree with the others here, REFILL them :D Barring that, they clean up nicely and you can put things like powdered cocoa , baking mixes or flavored oils in them. Throw on a bow and some instruction and you have a cute little gift :)
  7. Rebecka

    Gala Apples on Sale...what can I do with them?

    CIDER! I absolutely love Galas for cider :P
  8. Rebecka

    GRRRRR!!! Is it my oven or my recipe?

    We just had to replace the temp sensor module thingy in the out door oven for the exact same reason. I thought it was me or my oven, then I got one of those thermostats you hang in the oven ( less than 5 bucks ) and found that my oven temp simply wasn't shutting off when it was supposed to. It...
  9. Rebecka

    Selling Eggs?

    Wow! Thanks for all the insight. I wasn't very clear I guess. I do wipe the eggs off when they have anything at all on them, which is rare. Straight into the fridge huh? We typically leave them on the counter overnight, but I can see why going into the fridge right away is a better practice. We...
  10. Rebecka

    Selling Eggs?

    Okay, so my lovely girls are producing far more than we can eat. We thought about just putting a sign out saying we have eggs. What have I NOT thought of here? This is all very new to us and I read some stuff about baking soda washes or some stuff.. I don't get it. Is there some reason I can't...
  11. Rebecka

    Share your ideas for Holiday Gifts!

    I used to crochet all year long for the holiday gifts. My two sisters always managed to fight over who got the better item. Even when I started making them the EXACT same thing, they still found cause to fight. So, I quit. These days, those I really love get the handmade stuff year round. So, I...
  12. Rebecka

    Other places we've stumbled upon GMOs

    &$%$!!! I love cheese. Guess I am going to have to try out that recipe for making rennet from nettles sooner than I had planned.
  13. Rebecka

    Raising bees?

    Rhonda, I know exactly what you mean. I think for me its the sounds they make. Its almost hypnotic. Sometimes when I am really stressed, work and whatnot on my nerves, I will take a chair out and just hang out with them. All that happy buzzing just melts the stress away!
  14. Rebecka

    Llama fiber question

    I am so sorry for your loss :( I store my fleece in plastic bags if I am 100% certain they are completely dry and cardboard boxes if I am not so sure. I have two fleeces that need washed and they are in plastic bags and have been for several months. Your post reminded me of them , so I went and...
  15. Rebecka

    Genetically Modified Salmon?!?

    Please look this over. Its not just about salmon but about the 'standard' regulations.. its serious folks..
  16. Rebecka

    Sick or injured young turkeys ? big pic

    Yeah, I feel like a total idiot now. Did I mention I am really new to this ?? ;) I have been reading up on common illness and disease in birds, since we have so many. I wanted to be prepared with knowledge should someone get sick. Seems I made myself paranoid lol
  17. Rebecka

    Sick or injured young turkeys ? big pic

    Really ? They don't have much if any feathers on their heads. The younger turkeys I have have a full head of feathers. So, I am panicking about nothing again ? There's a shocker :lol: You wouldnt happen to have an idea of what breed they might be?
  18. Rebecka

    Sick or injured young turkeys ? big pic

    Good Lord! I hope it works this time!
  19. Rebecka

    Sick or injured young turkeys ? big pic

    Shoot! i cant get it to work. Here is the url to it
  20. Rebecka

    Sick or injured young turkeys ? big pic

    I posted this on BYC too but I figured I would get faster answers here. I am really worried about these little guys. I fear blackhead disease. I have had them for about 3 weeks. They were in a cage with some young silkies but the male was beating them up. So we took them out about a week ago...