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  1. Rebecka


    If you are just talking a few days.. its a pretty short list :) You can store purchased cans of food for a very Long time. Meats, potatoes, veggies and fruit. While they might leave something to be desired culinary wise, it will get the job done on the short term. I am a huge fan of oil...
  2. Rebecka

    Good "turning wool into yarn w/ hand carders & a drop spindle" videos:

    Oh how funny! Those are most of the videos I taught myself with. A few tips. Consistency is paramount. When just starting out, spin every single day. Even if its only for a few minutes. You might have heard of the park and draft method... don't do it. You might tell yourself that you will ease...
  3. Rebecka

    cute turkey drama

    bibliophile birds, thanks for the info on blackhead disease. I had been wondering about keeping all the birds together like we do. What they could pass to one another. While everyone is fine, we have been trying to pick up info on common medical issues for the assortment of birds we have.
  4. Rebecka


    Chicken 16 pints. Potatoes 21 quarts and 16 half pints of habanero peach jam.
  5. Rebecka

    canning zucchini ?

    Old Fashioned..that is exactly what I was needing. Thanks! My poor family has eaten so much zucchini I now have to hide it in their food.
  6. Rebecka

    Raising bees?

    I have been stung twice this year, but again.. stupid beekeeper was the cause. You are going to get stung. The mood of the hive is what decides how much gear I wear. When I have to get in and they are not in the greatest mood, I do the full suit. Most of the time its just a veil and gloves. The...
  7. Rebecka

    cute turkey drama

    Omg yes! The "I'm too sexy" dance Tom gets all blue faced and struts , does the head bob. We have Royal Palms. I think they are very pretty actually. They have a nice temperament but do rule the chicken yard. They are getting ready to move to their new space. Our hen is getting ready to start...
  8. Rebecka

    canning zucchini ?

    So, of my mound plants the zucchini did the best. A little too well in fact :( I have a huge freezer full of it! I need the space but cant find specifics on canning. Has anyone done this ? Please share if you even have an idea , I am desperate!
  9. Rebecka

    cute turkey drama

    All of this is still really new to me. The chickens, rabbits , game birds and turkeys. The turkeys have been the most fun! The adults are fun, but least interested in human interaction. I think I will stick to getting young ones from now on. On a side note.. we are getting baby cows soon! I...
  10. Rebecka

    cute turkey drama

    So... Because the men in my life leave me alone in the sale barn with the animals, we ended up with several turkeys. We have babies, adolescents and two adults. The adults share space with the chickens and the adolescents are in a large cage in the chicken coop. The other day we noticed that...
  11. Rebecka

    Anyone want to test out some recipes for bath powder?

    You have my attention. I am also willing to pay for costs of supplies as well. Just hit me on on here or FB with details :)
  12. Rebecka

    Homemade bread in one hour

    I've made this recipe twice now. The first was as written. The second I got jiggy with spices and flour variations. Both times it came out great. The house was exceptionally warm, so I cut the yeast in half the second time and it still came out great and just as fast. My family was super tickled...
  13. Rebecka


    Strawberry jam, hot pepper jelly, potatoes, black beans. Two water baths and two pressure canners going all at the same time :)
  14. Rebecka

    Homemade bread in one hour

    Thanks for this! I have been trying to tweak my bread recipe for a reasonable sandwich bread. I will be giving the 4 loaf version a try first thing tomorrow. With the holiday weekend, I will need lots of bread for my guys.
  15. Rebecka

    How common is botulism again?

    I served my time in the restaurant game. We had a saying that I swear by to this day..When it doubt , throw it out. I am what you might call brave when it comes to canning. However, if something doesn't look right, smell right, feel right or I just have a bad case of the heebeejeebees that day...
  16. Rebecka

    SHTF Hygiene

    I use the crystal deodorants now. They run me about 6 bucks and one has lasted me well over 2 years. Men might need more ;) I simply ordered 10. Its not like they go bad. Its a mineral salt mix. I cant tell you the exact mixture, but I know someone who uses regular old salt and can tell you the...
  17. Rebecka

    Slaughtering meat chickens ???

    Once again, you guys managed to answer my questions before I asked ! I have a seal a meal thingy.. we get the rolls but they are still pricey , so I tend to use it for good meat sales in bulk to separate. While most will likely end up in canning jars eventually.. thats just way more canning...
  18. Rebecka

    Pickled eggs!

    I have canned pickled eggs. I have some in the cabinet , on the canning shelves and in the fridge. I have found very limited information about them.. due to the risk I am sure. But.. when faced with 84 eggs in the fridge and no room for groceries .. you get brave ;) And now.. with a couple of...
  19. Rebecka

    BIG NEWS!!!

    What wonderful news! Still with plenty of time to get ready for winter too ! I can't wait for the pics to start coming :)
  20. Rebecka

    Feeding Yourself and the Homestead when the SHTF

    Just a year? Oh, well then. I wouldn't be doing much differently. There is never enough wood cut. The dog loves mole hunting, so she will be okay. The chickens and turkeys can free range. Most of the cats will be okay to hunt for themselves , except the 19 year old and he would get portions of...