I've noticed that some things in my PM box have been changed. Considering that I sell on here, some peoples' addresses and full names have been in my box and my full name and address has been in others' PM boxes, I'm a little concerned that apparently our PMs are open for other people to access...
It might. Maybe try water balloons for coons? You can get like 100 of them at the Dollar Tree here, so check your Dollar Tree (if you have one) and you can probably even find a small bottle of ammonia there too.
So, the cornish cross are doing well. I still haven't butchered everybody off that I plan to butcher, but I'm taking my time with them, since the freezer is full of chicken and I haven't taken the time to get some of it canned up to make room. They're three months old now, and seem to be doing...
Well, we had a bear in our front yard. I had been gone for half an hour and he decided to pop in for a visit. He was chasing my chickens around, but fortunately, my little 5 month old leghorn roosters attacked him and he left! I called the Game Commission, for my boys' safety, and he told me to...
Logics come into play here. Botulism IS killed off at waterbath temps... The spores are what survive water bath temps. That means that your food has to be kept in extremely unfavorable conditions before AND after canning in order for it to create and stay as a spore, otherwise they'll open up...
I don't think anyone is trying to force Gardenweasel into eating twinkies and ho hos. I just think that if the OP is having a hard time with feeding their family because of it (or even other people who are reading the book) should simply look at it objectively. Diet IS a good portion of what...
I agree! Who knows what effects gene tinkering will have?! I guess we'll find out when our grandchildren start seeing those messages on tv... "Have you or a loved one suffered such and such from eating GMO foods?! We can help!"
To be completely honest, the soap I make tastes pretty damn good. It has a nice sweet taste to it, lol. I don't think I could punish my kids by washing their mouths out with it. ;)
As for your hair being nasty with it, you really do need an adjustment period to get your hair back to normal. I...
I mean that America doesn't count because it IS unhealthy, but it's not comparable to other "third world"/"untouched" communities. They live totally different from the way we do. You have to compare apples to apples. There's no way you can compare health in America to health in a third world...
The problem is still that it's not necessarily the food. If these people are untouched, then they aren't using modern medicines, modern foods, modern technology, are not around chemicals that many Americans are exposed to, etc, etc. Their entire lives are vastly different than our own. It's...
The problem is that there's more to it than just what we stuff into our mouths. Think about it... Most civilizations way back when on the natural diet were "old" by 20. Of course they were healthy and vibrant into "old age". Even recently, people weren't living for as long. Having disorders no...
Yup, yup, yup! If I worried so much about what was written in books, I'd be a mess by now... Err, well, more than I already am! And remember, books aren't always CORRECT! I've read many a book that I had to put down after so many pages/chapters because of the fallacy in them. Ironically, most of...
Pah! Whole wheat, barley, etc is all much better than white bread. Sometimes you have to decide for yourself just how "extreme" you're going to get... You can go all out and obsess about it all, or you can live your life and make healthy choices and still use your cornbread mixes and such. Even...
Thank you! Me too!! :) I have to order a new candy cane fragrance, unfortunately. FORTUNATELY, I can still make the soap with peppermint EO, which I have several ounces of, so I won't have to order a huge amount of that! :) I'm thinking that hot chocolate, pumpkin and a mulled cider will be...
So, it's not a picture of any new, cool looking candles, but a revamp of the old labels. I think they're rather nice, if I do say so myself, lol. Remember, I'm labelly challenged, to the extreme, so this is really good for me, lol!
The frosted glass bottles of raspberry and cherry rum are actually about three years old. I bought them on the cruise, and I still have them. Those two are my "weapon of choice" when it comes to liquor, so that might tell you how often I drink, lol. It's nice to have it when you want it though!