I will try and get a picture. I live in MO. and we do get Baltimore Oreo's when they are migrating thru in the early spring just right before the humming birds show up. Thank you for the help
HI Denim Deb, maybe you can help solve this mystery bird that has been coming around my water fountain the past couple of weeks. When I first seen it I thought Oreo family but I have not found it in my bird book yet. It is the size of a Baltimore Oreo but is olive in color but can't tell if it...
What a great group of people we have on this forum........ It is good to hear how strong you are in your belief and still have respect for other's beliefs.
I normally do not talk about this subject, but I just feel the need to say what is on my mind. I have a child who is homosexual ( hate this word)
I have known in my heart since he was just a young child around 3 years of age. I have watched the struggle, the pain the humiliation that he has...