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  1. lazyday

    Cast iron...

    :barnie My poor dead grandma just gasped when you said you can wash your iron skillet in soap :lol: I still can not immerse my iron skillet in soapy water :hide
  2. lazyday

    Farmer's Markets

    Home-made tortilla. we have a local lady that makes them and she sells out fast.
  3. lazyday

    Ever wonder what is in your shampoo?

    Been there done, that will never do it again. I ruined my hair and it took a while for me to bring it back to life not to mention having to re-color my hair which was a double whammy. I still keep hearing my sister, saying what did you expect? that is what you use to clean out the drain. :old...
  4. lazyday

    Bettacreek - New home? Plus a pic of some of the ladies here

    :ep SO glad you are alright........ what kind of disposable lighter was it?
  5. lazyday

    The Bread Thread!

    I wrap my loafs in heavy duty aluminum foil and seems to stay fresher and you can re-use the foil again.
  6. lazyday

    Sufficient Self Member Map

    Thanks Dawn :D
  7. lazyday

    Sufficient Self Member Map

    Hi Dawn, could you please add me to Fair Grove..... I live closer to Fair Grove not Strafford as address would show it to be.
  8. lazyday

    kitchen thingy WTF is it?

    I agree with Cindi, looks like a juicer
  9. lazyday

    WA HOO FarmerChick

    congratulation I can imagine how proud you are
  10. lazyday

    Hello from Junction City, Oregon

  11. lazyday

    Southern Oregon Wanna Be Farmer Lady

    :welcome from missouri
  12. lazyday

    Dawn419 & doc's LSTA: Confounded Computer!!!

    Congratulation Dawn and keeping my fingers cross :fl on the paw paw. Let us know when they sprout because I am very curious.
  13. lazyday

    Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

    :hugs Boy I bet your glad yesterday is over........ hoping today will be a day less exciting....
  14. lazyday

    Pressure canner......... what do you think is the best one.....

    I will admit I am not the sharpest tool in the shed.........but need to ask...... please explain btu.
  15. lazyday

    Pressure canner......... what do you think is the best one.....

    On my lunch hour I went to check out some pressure canner's but only found one style/make at the store I was at.......... the pressure canner I looked at had a warning against using it out doors had a picture that looked like a pressure canner sitting on a propane burner stating warning not to...
  16. lazyday

    Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?

    :hugs tomorrow will be better. Agree with Farmer Jamie we are here for you in spirit.
  17. lazyday

    Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?

    Good to hear neighbor came home. Will continue prayer's for him and his daughter. Cindi, how did you know the tomatoes went Bad? I know it sounds nosey, but I am getting ready to try my hand at canning and tomatoes are on my list to try.