In my view you have two options, either get a conversion kit for your gas generator or buy a propane generator. The benefit with the conversion kit is that it's cheap and then you have a generator with a gas tank that can also run on propane, it's good, it's flexible. But it is a bit of a hassle...
That's why with renewables we have to diversify. Wind, solar, geothermal, biogas, biodiesel etc. plus grid-level and residential energy storage, even a continental smart-grid that distributes energy around would be something worth considering. Not just wind power, that's the catch with renewables.
I can't post links yet but username solarcabin on YouTube is pretty awesome. He makes tiny solar powered homes and gives a lot of good information away for free. I think he also has some ebooks and hardcovers on how to build one of his solar homes.
If you have the chance consider a composting toilet. There are some modern ones which are fairly good and compact. Then you're pretty much totally off-grid on the human waste aspect.
Not enough :D I should have like a week every six months where I go off-grid, switch off my electricity and running water. Would be an interesting challenge. I do have a cabin that I go to for weekends though.
I have had a bunch of 2-3W LED light bulbs running in my house for over 2 years straight, no problems so far. I have some other cheap ones that I bought 5-6 years ago which are now a bit dimmer. But they were like some of the first on the mainstream market and kinda bad quality tbh.
LED bulbs...
Man I'd like some chickens, I eat a lot of eggs. But I'm not ready to settle down yet, so I'd have to leave them behind if I move. Although I guess I could just eat them, haha.
Good for you. I have two air-source heat pumps which reduced my electricity bill by 2/3rds during the heating season and it gets really cold here in the deep north.
America has much more crime than Sweden and I guess you can say it's cheaper until you have health problems, from all the junk food and GMOs. I know Americans are against public healthcare but I am from Finland and I can say it makes me much more relaxed and reduces my stress of daily life...