Sorry to be so dang long out of here but it's been a busy time. I got a swarm that I hived last week but first had to quickly get the second hive ready for occupants!
I'm in Maryland, zone 6 and 3/4. LOL!!!!
Hi - long time, no post - but I'll get in on this one. I have one TBH at present. The biggest climate control feature I have is the siting. My hive is on the edge of a wooded area with deciduous trees. In the winter, it was in the sun; right now it's pretty nice and shaded except during the...
Congrats, bee mama! I got bees 30 days ago. I used a little different installation method that I saw on youtube by Beemaster. You take off 3 sides of the framing that holds the screening on the package and then fold it back. I'm a first-time keeper and this method worked like a dream - very...
Well, here I am back at SSF after such a long while. I'll never ever be able to read up on what everyone's been doing so you must all call me individually and give me your updates. Meanwhile, what's been happening here?
Well, I got two adorable Dwarf Netherland rabbits for my granddaughter...
I've been away from here for a while but I can chime in here in SPADES.
A few years ago I spent some time in a financial counseling agency and I got to see a lot of families' spending reports. They would fill out a fairly comprehensive worksheet of how they spent their money.
We had folks...
I'm with sylvie.
We've all been fed a bunch of lies when it comes to this stuff. You work hard, you do the right thing. Then BAM! Some deep pockets have screwed stuff up with their greed, and the entire economy goes into a tail-spin because of it.
*nudging soapbox back under the desk out...
When one kid went into the Army and the other one left home, my bill went down so fast it should have bounced.
I do not use a dishwasher or clothes dryer. 6-10% of power usage in the U.S. can be attributed to clothes dryers.
Orange Marmalade Oat Bread
1 cup milk, plus 2 tablespoons milk
1/2 cup orange marmalade
1 1/2 teaspoons butter
3 1/4 cups white bread flour
1 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup rolled oat
2 teaspoons yeast
Milk should be slightly warmer than body temperature.
All other ingredients need to be at...
Well, my "muddle" is gonna mean that I move (hey - but Hagerstown's closer to Beekissed, I not all a bad thing!). My brother and I have to discuss the whole chickens/bees/garden thing. I think he'll be on board with the garden and the bees because there's a place out of the way for...
This is the exact book I love
Amazon has some used versions of that for very little money.
They put out an updated one...
Just a comment....I actually changed my practice to "Women Only" because I got tired of the inquiries....
"Do you do a complete massage?"
"Do I have to have a drape?"
"Can you do the massage while nude?"
I STILL get calls from those who think I'm kidding on the women-only bit ...or who tell me...
JM Keynes had a concept called the Paradox of Thrift - in which he claimed that if everyone saved money - the economy would be thrown into total chaos - company closures, lay-offs, apocalypse! No...I'm sorry - people always need some goods and it would only be the...
We were told at our class on Saturday that there aren't enough bee colonies in the entire country to meet the demand for pollinators for almond trees in California. He was a state apiary inspector and he inspects hives that are being brought through the state on their way West.
I'm thinking, I'm thinking.
I tend to like names that have one word that relates to the business like Curves or Vibes (was a name I considered for my massage biz). Or like Studio was a dance school at 6 Elm Avenue or something.
The Kitchen Studio?
That's exactly true.
They want to be able to just make their appointments directly on-line into your appointment scheduler...which I will never have because I want to talk to the person seeking my massage services in order to hopefully weed out the ones who want those "extra" services that I...
I did - it was late at night or something - as I recall. Neat stuff...I grew up with the Kennedy "mandate" of space supremacy and all and tech were the big things. Now you have millions of Americans who can't cook, balance a check-book, or any of those practical life skills...