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  1. H

    a little bummed today

    Thanks all. I just got back in from going home at lunch. Poor Britty got "lost" under the table and just kept trying to get out. I'm not rushing to help him because I think he has to learn to cope...but it still just breaks my heart. Thanks sylvie, for the info.
  2. H

    a little bummed today

    My dog Britty the Wonder Pomeranian has gone blind. It's just sad to see him. I know dogs don't depend on their vision as much as humans do but still. I'm trying to remember not to leave shoes and purses lying around and had to barracade the steps downstairs. I researched some drops that...
  3. H

    cautionary tale for those considering cash cache

    My mom was once hired to help after a man passed clean out his house. Well, she gets into poking around this guy's place which was pretty thrown...and here and there she opens up this box or that's a wad of money! The guy had stashed bucks all over the house - stitched...
  4. H

    The Gospel of Consumption

    This article is enough to make you about sick. Here's a taste: Our modern predicament is a case in point. By 2005 per capita household spending (in inflation-adjusted dollars) was twelve times what it had been in 1929, while per...
  5. H

    Documentary to watch

    I watch stuff like that and get nuts. I get SOOOO mad! :he :somad
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    Beekeeping...for those interested!

    I'm finishing up beekeeping class tomorrow (well, except for our Field Day in April). I'm going to be doing top-bar hives, though. This is a different style of beekeeping that requires a LOT less "stuff" than traditional Langstroth hives and is supposedly a more "sustainable" method of...
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    Hypermiling...anyone else do this?

    :yuckyuck Serves the little boogers right for laughing at you as they PASS the gas station you're pumping at....
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    Iceland crashes!

    They've been in trouble for a while now. I haven't been able to hear anything at all from my friends there. They own a fish company that markets here to the States and also a eco-tourism business. Both of which are vulnerable..... It's a beautiful country. I was there in 01. Unfortunately...
  9. H

    How do you use your space?

    1.3 acres just outside the second largest city in Maryland (Frederick). There's a house where we live and a rental. Partially wooded. Chickens Raised beds Herb garden Raspberries - along the lane to the second house A woodlot 2 sheds gonna add a hive or two of bees Have my gdaughter's rabbit...
  10. H

    Joel Salatin and self sufficiency

    Alright, Beekissed.....this is just getting too weird. I, too, have the Grand(child) Plan....starting with the bunnies I'm getting her soon for her b-day. I'll win her over to the Dark Side (according to her mama) soon enough.... Do I have to come over those mountains and yell down into...
  11. H

    Has anyone here read this book?

    Depletion and Abundance: Life on the New Home Front Here's what is says about itself: Depletion and Abundance explains how we are living beyond our means with or...
  12. H

    Another Sewing Project

    How cute is that? Is the neck strap and ties fixed or are they in a channel?
  13. H

    Gift ideas for wanna-be stay-at-home first-time mom?

    I would recommend this book that was my life-saver when I had kids in the 80's (well, I had the original one): This is a very down-to-earth, extremely practical book with...
  14. H

    This could fit a lot of our topics...but...I LOVE this web site

    You all KNOW how I am about line-drying. I'm sure there are those here who have seen this. This isn't JUST about line-drying, though. It's a larger issue, too, much can people be legislated. How far are we as a society willing to go in the name of...
  15. H

    What recommended wastefullness do you avoid?

    When my daughter had her baby 2 years ago, I was appalled at the things that she thought were "necessary" for the child. This will be for a little later on (depending on what school of thought you adhere to)...I used to spin dry rice in a blender for my own infant rice cereal. Not quite to a...
  16. H

    Hypermiling...anyone else do this?

    I do draft trucks when I'm on the highway - but I do like to have my winders open mostly. One thing I did when my children were small (not so needed now)...I worked for the school system and had the summers off. We tended to do the cheap and free stuff around the area. They also had friends...
  17. H

    What recommended wastefullness do you avoid?

    I do skimp out on laundry detergent. Alternate baking soda and toothpaste. I don't use a dryer so not muss/fuss with dryer sheets. I stretch out the showering - particularly in winter...making do with "birdbaths" in between. And my towels hang dry and are re-used a few times before laundering...
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    Spinach Rice Casserole

    Sounds primo! your signature line....
  19. H

    Making Homemade Pasta

    Awesome you muchly. I got a pasta machine from freecycle and haven't used it yet.
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    Ideal 21st Century Homestead Equipment

    Thanks so much for posting this. I'm cutting/pasting to send to my brother and also to a friend.