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  1. so lucky


    I wish I could find some way to use them that I can get excited about. I've tried tea...meh...kind of not worth the trouble. Maybe I will try cooking them like spinach. They sure are hard to eradicate once they are established. they are pretty much taking over my "woodland wild flower" garden. :(
  2. so lucky

    Making sauerkraut and other fermented veggies

    My most recent batch of kraut went soft. I was wondering what did it. Do you think it just fermented too long at room temp? It is very sour, not at all salty. Still edible, but sure not as good as the crunchy stuff. :hu It sat in the basement for a month, then in the fridge for a month, before I...
  3. so lucky

    Sabotage! Was it planned ...

    There are reasons to believe that even a loved one could subconsciously attempt to sabotage your efforts at losing weight. If he starts bringing home sweets he knows you like, it may be time to have a little talk with him! I applaud you for resisting the carbs. It does get easier to resist the...
  4. so lucky

    Tomato Reproduction

    That is a great idea. But I wonder if it woulod be the same for a regular branch of the plant. He said that was a sucker. so what is the difference between a sucker and a branch? I'm gonna try to put this over on TEG, and see what they say, too. Thank you for bringing it here, earthmother.
  5. so lucky

    How fat is obese?

    me&thegals, sounds like your inlaws' dinner menu was pretty typical. lol. When we have a family get together, my daughter in law always says gratefully "Oh, I am so glad you brought fruit salad!" It's usually the only fruit/vegetable there. So sad.
  6. so lucky

    Mysterious lurkers on the SS forum

    Joel, I found most of the members to be moderately friendly. Not necessarily inviting, but I didn't get snubbed. A few of those are gone now, and a couple of the rather outspoken members are gone (outspoken in an antagonistic way). But if my first few posts had been ridiculed or raised a general...
  7. so lucky

    Mysterious lurkers on the SS forum

    Well, that's just it: some forums seem to be friendlier to newbies speaking up. Some are positively unfriendly. Some forums have a lot of good info, but the tone is so absolute, a person would have to be numb or really brave to risk being ridiculed by asking a "stupid question."
  8. so lucky

    How fat is obese?

    Have you ever thought about how prevalent eating is in our daily life? Not just to nourish us, but for every occasion. If we get kids together for a meeting or class, we think they need a snack. We can't go for a car ride without a big gulp soda. Office birthdays, cake. Donuts because it's...
  9. so lucky

    Hello from Saguenay City Quebec

    Hi, greatgardener, and welcome! Tell us a little about your garden/homestead. You have livestock? Have you managed to get "off the grid?" Do you butcher your own meat?
  10. so lucky

    Mysterious lurkers on the SS forum

    And not just Big Brother. If a person mentions that they collect coins, or just bought a new--whatever--a devious person might be able to find them. Over on TEG they have a google earth map of where members live, if a member adds their location. That kinda freaks me out. I know, I am way too...
  11. so lucky

    April's Fool's Day Pranks?

    I know someone who went to a lot of trouble, a LOT of trouble and expense, to fool a friend with a fake "Publisher's Clearing House Winner" bouquet, fake check, photographer and everything. I felt so bad for that poor victim. That wouldn't be a friend of mine any longer. Setting the clock up is...
  12. so lucky

    Just excited

    ~gd, don't you think you're being kinda rough on a new member? No wonder people don't hang around here for long. :/
  13. so lucky

    Duck Dynasty

    My Christmas present from my DH was to re-connect to Dish TV. We have about a thousand channels now, and still nothing to watch. It's all chasing bigfoot, or my big fat greek something, or off-road trucking tuna catchers, or the real housewives of Skankytown. Grrr! Even the science channel...
  14. so lucky

    Mysterious lurkers on the SS forum

    Moolie, I never thought about the fact that a person can join, then send a PM to a member, then get the member's e-mail address when they answer. Being the slightly paranoid hermit that I am, I don't think I would even answer anyone's PM if they were a brand new member. They would need some...
  15. so lucky

    Duck Dynasty

    There is a reality show about a group of religious people; I think Hutterites, that would be interesting if their speech wasn't so stilted. It's like watching a 4th grade play. I wish they could talk more normally/relaxed, cause the content is pretty good.
  16. so lucky

    How fat is obese?

    I've always wanted to ask one of those poor people, "Did you become disabled after you gained all that weight, or did you gain all the weight after you became disabled?" One probably followed the other, but I truly don't know which. It would make sense to gain the weight after becoming disabled...
  17. so lucky

    Duck Dynasty

    I think it is a reality show about a family that makes duck calls. I watched for about 15 minutes once. I guess I don't get it.
  18. so lucky

    pregnant on the farm

    I think that once you get past the first trimester, you will get your energy back, and feel fine. The more active you stay, the better off you and baby will be. I agree, however, with Rebbetzen, that your center of gravity will be a little off, and so will your sense of balance. So no climbing...
  19. so lucky

    Which Supermarket Oil to Use?

    At some point in time recently, I noticed that even the Ranch dressing I used to love, is primarily soybean oil now. The texture is icky. I ain't goin fer it!:tongue
  20. so lucky

    Headache remedy?

    Believe it or not, I saw an episode of Dr Oz in which he recommended Butterbur for a headache. How is it taken? Capsule? Tea? Edited to say I think it was recommended for allergies....I think.....