Search results

  1. so lucky

    Which Supermarket Oil to Use?

    I wonder how peanut oil would work for mayo? I use it or lard for frying, and there doesn't seem to be much of a taste. I want to try making mayo, but haven't yet. I like the idea of using olive oil more, but now I don't know what brand to trust that hasn't been cut with corn oil or worse. I...
  2. so lucky

    Found help for Shingles

    I have read that a shingles outbreak can be brought on by stress. I have had it twice, but the second time was not too bad. My chiropractor told me to use ACV on it, maybe 25 years ago. It helped a lot. Most people don't take you seriously when you tell them ACV can help. :rolleyes: Great news...
  3. so lucky


    Maybe someone else will have a recipe.
  4. so lucky

    New Here-And have so many questions-Day 1

    Me too, and with an emphasis on learning how to eat healthier.
  5. so lucky

    Im Newbie

    Hi Steve, and Welcome. Hope you find lots of good info here.
  6. so lucky


    The only home made granola I have ever seen is in clumps/chunks. I'm thinking the store-bought bars have some GRAS substance in them to help them stick together. Egg whites would work but they would have a shelf life, and refrigerated at that.
  7. so lucky

    Let's bring in some new members!

    I don't know if you need or want any more input on why the user-ship is low on the forum right now, but here's my thoughts on it, nevertheless: When I was first getting interested in the SS lifestyle, this forum was very valuable to me. I spent hours and hours reading the threads from page 1 to...
  8. so lucky

    May as well start now

    Corn Woman, congratulations on your anniverary. So glad you still want to celebrate with him! Just wanted to ask if you have tried drinking raw milk, rather than homogenized, pasturized. I am intollerant to "store bought" milk, but can guzzle down the fresh cow's milk with no problem. It is said...
  9. so lucky

    Freezing diced onions to preserve?

    I keep pint-size freezer bags of onion, pepper and celery in my kitchen freezer, where they are handy. Most mornings I grab a small handfull of peppers and onions and saute them first, before scrambling them with eggs. Sooo much better than plain scrambled eggs. The bags probably don't last long...
  10. so lucky

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Haven't heard from the old ram lately. Is that a pic that has been entered for a while? Wonder if he's still reading, just with nothing to say right now.
  11. so lucky

    Blackberries and blueberries.

    One of my mom's favorite things to make for my dad was blackberry dumplings. She made them for me, too.:P Eating them while still hot was like sinking into heaven. She would strain the juice from the berries to get rid of the seeds, and drop home made dumplings into the boiling sweetened juice...
  12. so lucky

    Cure for Urinary Tract Infections

    Next time you get a UTI from e-coli, the most common cause of UTIs, go to the health food store and get some D-Mannose to take. It is a sugar that clings to the e-coli bacteria in such a way that the bacteria can't cling to the urinary tract walls. You just flush the bacteria out of your system...
  13. so lucky

    Anyone struggling to eat out or from grocery stores? any clean eaters?

    You know, I have a friend who is allergic to a lot of things, causing stomach issues even tho she has really restricted her diet. She eats a couple bites of home made fermented kraut with every meal. It's the only way she can get by. I have started doing that too. You get used to eating it cold...
  14. so lucky

    Anyone struggling to eat out or from grocery stores? any clean eaters?

    Almost any Mickey-D's food gives me horrible stomach pains. I had my gall bladder taken out and have no problems whatsoever (knock wood) It was laproscopic; in and out same day, and just three bandaids. Heather, just choose some whole, real foods you know the family can eat, and go with them for...
  15. so lucky

    Feeding Chickens just People food...Can it be done??

    I remember my grandma had big coon dogs (big to me at the time) that she never bought food for. Every day she would bake up a big pan of cornbread and pour grease over it for them. I'm sure they got scraps when butchering was done, as well. I don't remember what they fed the chickens, but they...
  16. so lucky

    What did you do to MAKE money today?

    Thanks for the info!
  17. so lucky

    Anyone have a favorite older car they would recommend?

    You can take a car to Auto Zone and use their diagnostics for free to narrow down the possibilities for a particular problem. My check engine light comes on if I don't have the gas lid screwed down tight. :/ (I don't have any affiliation with Auto Zone)
  18. so lucky

    Stamps are going up again!

    Just to show how old I am--I remember when I was little, we used to tape a nickel to the letter, for the mail carrier to use for postage. I have never tried to buy stamps from our present rural mail carrier. May have to try it one of these days! Slogging into town just to buy stamps is wasteful...
  19. so lucky

    What did you do to save $ today?

    I and DH went to a "family" dinner last night at a popular restaurant. Just for the three I paid for, with no drinks, it was $45. My DH just had a salad. There were 13 people there, and some were drinking wine, so I imagine the total bill was around $200. I was just thinking about what a...
  20. so lucky

    What did you do to MAKE money today?

    I have a couple of questions about how you sell things on Facebook, tortoise. I am not on Facebook, but since I now am producing some handcrafted item to sell, I have been told that Facebook is a good place to do it. So---how does a total stranger know to go to your page? Is there a directory...