farmville on facebook
that farm seems real easy to work
but if i were given a choice outside of the u.s. it would be the emerald green
but im quite content in SOUTH CACKILACKY just wish i could hurry up and get further away from the city...............JUNE is almost here
you will get lost
the boots were clearance to 34 i think
i got my 11 year old a pair of brown leather/suede type tennis shoes SUPER NICE for 11 year old in mens size 9...outrageous
go to walmart right and they have steel toe boots on clearance and they look exactley like these seat covers
buy him the boots and tell him keep his camo to his self.
no i bought these on a whim.........well i dont know snatching them up at such a cheap price is considered on a whim.......i was just being cheap
but im lazy and they still sit in the same little pots that i bought them in.
it maybe that we have 70s here for a week
last year i went to lowes and they had orange trees clearanced to 12.00 for parent washington oranges
i had 3 ready to buy
well the cashier had to do an adjustment that required management
i waited and waited and waited for managment to come and do an adjustment to get them to the clearance...
yella grits scramble eggs and maple sausage
served by your sincerely
i stop working saturday night so the hubby cooks all day sunday
breakfast lunch and dinner
easy to train also
just wake up sunday morning with atleast 2 hours of a confused and annoyed look..........wala breakfast is...
yeah what is it about men.
this mug (thats what i call him) paid 150 for a USED car radio because that same radio retail was like 1200
but guess what he didnt do...............HE DIDNT CHECK TO SEE IF THE FRICKING RADIO WORKED
so he gets home all excited about a 1200 radio he got for 150 that...
i dont care that he did it but i do care that he didnt read the paperwork or get into any details
our money is kept seperately
what mine is mine what is his is his
i pay the mortgage which is only 450
he pays light water and sewer which is usually a total of about 300
and thats all the...
after i left i was furious i was thinking his balance was going to be like 200-300 not 585. from a 615. loan after paying 504.00
i called the place and this is how it went
me: what is your interest rate
her: we are compar
me: no what is your interest rate
her: we are
me: give me a damn number...
South Carolina Usury Laws
South Carolina has one of the more complex statutory schemes when it comes usury and usurious interest rates. First of all, when it comes to non-consumer transactions in South Carolina, there is no general usury limitation.
On considering non-consumer transactions...
oh and the only law i can find that caps interest rates is if its under 601.00
guess how much they loaned him 616.00.....go figure
oh and if does pay it off with the 500.00 from the wreck his grand total for that loans in 4 months will be 1100.00 if not every month he pays the 167.00 he...
the car is not mine its his
to me its a piece of juck............96 grand marquis
the car was purchased like march 2011 for like 2300
the only good that came out of this is that he was rear ended 2 days ago (not hurt) but they are sending a check on thursday to replace the bumper. NOTHING...
this stupid man of mine went a got a car title loan in nov and the fricking loan has an interest rate of 304%
going to fricking kill him
i thought 304% would be illegal but guess not
so after making 500 in payments they only applied 30.00 from that 500 to that damn loan
the cold has finally found south carolina.......spose to be like 24 here sunday night.....
i like the cold
for some reason my brain thinks that if its a hot winter the summer will be worse than ever
doesnt the winter help control the summer or something like that