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    Grocery Store Score! Share stories, tips & pointers: all i can say I NEVER get good prices like that on produce you did REAL good.
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    is this a duck or chicken

    after buying and displaying in my house i am sticking to what i believe...........they are flamingos cant you people tell....have you never seen a flamingo
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    is this a duck or chicken

    and he is sticking to his story i told him it was a duck they i bought it as a rooster and a chicken ok well either you or the "artist" has no clue what a chicken is then but i think they are too cute to pass over especially for 10 bucks
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    WA HOO FarmerChick

    too bad about the publix food lion has a great deal on pork loins 2.49 lb---going next week to get 2
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    is this a duck or chicken

    i guess for 10.00 it really doesnt matter i think they are worth it
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    Am I Practical or Mean?

    if i have a dead dog drooling........back to the taxidermist i go........excuse me did you notice anything strange.....
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    Am I Practical or Mean?

    bad enough trying to eat with an alive dog staring at i got to have a dead dog staring at me while i eat.
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    WA HOO FarmerChick

    my 5yr old (guy) had to leave school with a stomache that was about to send him hugging the crapper. i had the same about 2 days ago but thankfully never upchucked. hope all feels better soon
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    WA HOO FarmerChick

    calling karen..................................................................... if you have a publix near they have light bulbs bogo after the bogo sale a 4 pk of ge light bulbs will run ya about 2.50
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    is this a duck or chicken

    i really want to buy this set but............. the "chicken" looks alot like a duck do you think its a chicken or duck its got a bill and webbed feet sooooooooooo. tell me what you think they insist that its a chicken hoping i just dont...
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    What did you do to save $ today?

    didnt go anywhere except to take the youngens to karate so no money spent
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    What did you do to MAKE money today?

    it would be so nice if we could sell scrap you have to have a liscence to sell anything other than cans
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    Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/

    brita has a rebate on the pitcher right now up to 10.00 rebate walmart has it for like 8.97 and the last time i checked there was a printable coupons for 5.00 off a pitcher so you can get it for 5.00 and get a 10.00 rebate. ive done it twice and got the 10.00 rebate both times
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    Help reducing grocery bill?

    coupons for what you want but cant make yourself just got 4 16oz jars of planters peanut butter original price 3.60 each 2 bags of nabisco animal crackers original price 2.00 each 2 6pk of 16oz cocoa cola original price 3.50 each 1 merita bread original...
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    Stocking up: Clothing

    this store i speak of doesnt hang anything up. they have so many clothes they just throw them on table and you search through them the tables are the size of about 3 or 4 dining room tables. AND THEY CHANGE THE CLOTHES ON THE TABLE EVERY SINGLE DAY. ALL 25 TABLES
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    Stocking up: Clothing

    you people would love the chraleston goodwill........ its by the pound....................1.49 a pound i go get everything and anything that i see i want cause i can get a 30 gallon bag for around 35.00 i get him every pair of levis i see i get every piece of carhardt i get 7 kids' clothes...
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    Do you have a minimum below which ...

    haha love it you can cut the snow in december and blow leaves, dirt and sand in april with your snowblower.. IM LOVING THE MENTAL YOU JUST GAVE ME
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    Do you have a minimum below which ...

    we need to switch brains..................... i steal your saying and you steal mine but hey lets micro manage this down to stupid *with coupons* and then shop the expensive down to cheap. you like?
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    Do you have a minimum below which ...

    quality always trumps quantity in my opinion unless we are taking about marbles<<<<<<<<<like that karen<<<<inside joke she know what im talking about. yes somethings i buy cheap because i need that thing quickly and i wont use it but once. clothes are the issue for me....i will not buy low end...
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    Go "Green" and just hang it up!

    i hang my clothes but my set up is something i made up i bought a gazebo.......the sun dried out the cloth like roof...........i took off the raggidy cloth roof and the curtains on the side and walla theres my clothes line. its the best....instead of the clippy things to hang the clothes with...