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  1. Dawn419

    hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.

    Amen, Trim, Amen! :thumbsup Deb, We cringe everytime we see folks riding in shorts, tanks tops and flip flops. To top that off...we have the no helmet law out here. :hide I can respect that it's "your" choice to wear a helmet or not but I just can't imagine not wearing one...especially after...
  2. Dawn419

    Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?

    So glad to see ya back with us and so sorry to hear of your loss! :hugs Our hearts, thoughts and prayers are with ya'll! :hugs
  3. Dawn419

    BullardBarnyard's Journal

    Hello and Welcome to the forum! :frow Glad you decided to join in and start posting! When you say fish, do you mean in a tank or in a pond? Hubby (doc-gonzo) and I have 2 aquariums at my moms' since we don't have room for them in our camper and she loves them so much that I don't know if...
  4. Dawn419

    Dawn419 & doc's LSTA: Confounded Computer!!!

    Why, Thank You, Deb! :hugs I thoroughly enjoyed it and doc asked me several times if I was writing a book! :gig Had a lazy day, today...but docs' week off is just around the corner and we'll more than make up for it then! ;) Got some awesome news this afternoon...our adopted son/little...
  5. Dawn419

    Dawn419 & doc's LSTA: Confounded Computer!!!

    I was still up when you posted that! :gig What a "civilized" visit we had yesterday! :rolleyes: The darling cat peed on the bed, so we had to strip the whole thing down. :rant The "bed" consists of 2 small camper seat matresses that are probably every bit as old as the Broke Down Palace ('75)...
  6. Dawn419

    Happy to be Me--Settling In

    I know it had to feel good getting those trees that were too close to the house taken care of...been there done that (even though we don't have an official house). :D When we bought our land in '09 and made trips out here from TN to work on our clearing, we had hoped to leave a few more trees...
  7. Dawn419

    Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/

    Just playing catch-up and I've got to say that the before and after pix are absolutely amazing, lady!!! :hugs Glad you got the sewer problem straightened out and Karma is just gonna love that "dynamic duo"! ;) The Linnies are absolutely precious. Thanks for sharing pix of their progress with...
  8. Dawn419


    I'd be the same way, Mickey. I had this "talent" as a child to get almost to the top of the steps (up to the bedrooms) and proceed to fall right back down them. :gig
  9. Dawn419

    hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.

    So glad to hear you're okay after the bike incident! :hugs After doc and I had our bike accident in Feb. '07, I'll never ride without my leathers on. The doctors couldn't believe we'd been on a bike since there was no road rash. Hello? We had on our helmets and were covered in leather from the...
  10. Dawn419

    Our PMs, not exactly PRIVATE are they?

    You didn't mention if it happened on this forum, Bee, but I will tell ya'll for a fact that as I Mod here, I cannot access anyones PM's but my own. :hu I've contacted Nifty about this situation.
  11. Dawn419

    Dawn419 & doc's LSTA: Confounded Computer!!!

    Yesterday started docs' 3 days off, so we sat out by the fire pit for the evening and enjoyed the stars, the peaceful brak of noise from the summer-time bugs, a gazillion stars and each others company! :love Been quite awhile since we've had a "date night"!:gig Didn't get anything accomplished...
  12. Dawn419

    wahoo AC off today

    The AC is off here, too, thanks to the cooler weather! :bow It has a Fan setting, so I have it on that right now with the camper windows closed still, as doc worked nights the past several days so we keep the bedroom in kind of a black-out. He's off for a couple days so I'll be cranking the...
  13. Dawn419

    Herbal Studies

    Hi Rhonda! Just finished catching up on this thread and :hugs to you and hubby, between his health issues and Isaac! :hugs I know exactly what you mean about your herbal texts looking like a Bible, as my herb books look the same and I do consider them my bible! ;) Now here's where it gets...
  14. Dawn419

    Building a Buggy

    Found a blog that has links for downloading the first 3 Foxfire books (for free): Foxfire Hope this is some help!
  15. Dawn419

    Baby chick day

    Congrats on your new additions! :celebrate
  16. Dawn419

    Hi from northern Colorado

    Hello and Welcome to the forum, Mickey! :frow
  17. Dawn419

    Hi from a Brit in Houston

    Hello and Welcome to the forum, Spike! :frow We have a few members from Texas. Make yourself at home here and enjoy! :D