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  1. noobiechickenlady

    Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

    Suck it up sister, you know the cats will riot if you're out for too long. *hands OFG a tissue and some of Free's scallion-ginger stuff* Good for what ails you! SD, possums are about the only thing that will illicit a girl-like shriek from me. *shudders*
  2. noobiechickenlady

    Stuff you had no clue was edible...

    I ate crickets and locusts. Heck, I eat raccoon, ya'll really think I won't try it? hehehe Somebody's going to have to have the video camera handy cause my camera won't load them to anywhere. But I will take pictures!! Do I have to do the "see"food pose so ya'll can make sure I actually ate it...
  3. noobiechickenlady

    Stuff you had no clue was edible...

    :drool Crappie are my favorite fish!!!
  4. noobiechickenlady

    Am I weird?

    Just repeat to yourself: "People pay large sums of money for treatment like this." :gig
  5. noobiechickenlady

    Stuff you had no clue was edible...

    Darn it... My daughter found the biggest, juiciest rolly polly this weekend under some leaf mulch. I shoulda boiled him up :lol: *heavy sigh* So I guess I DO have to take one for the team? Ok, I'll get DD to work on the gathering... :lol:
  6. noobiechickenlady

    Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

    We figured out that you actually CAN fix it... But its illegal :lol: Well, OFG ya know that's pretty much what everyone else here said :D :pop I wanna hear about the wombats too!!
  7. noobiechickenlady

    Am I weird?

    HA! Me too :) Darn DH and his washing all the clothes before I got home. ;) I personally love the feel of a line dried towel. Spa like exfoliation. Hey Abi, didn't CO pass a state law that prohibits laws that prohibit stuff like that? Against HOAs I think, but still?
  8. noobiechickenlady

    "My Wife is an Animal Lover"

    Speaking of eating bunnies, I was cooking 2 bacon bunny mummies :drool for a gathering. One of the girls (12-ish) threw a FIT when I told her what it was. You CAN'T eat bunnies, she said. So I told her, No, I can eat bunnies all I want. If you don't want it, there's plenty of other stuff. Then...
  9. noobiechickenlady

    Stinking goats!! Just a rant about them escaping from fences

    We did try to force them through the fence. It is really, really hard to push a goat into a fence without zapping yourself... Especially when she outweighs you by a good 25 lbs now that you've lost all your 8 year old baby weight. :lol: Ouch, yeah the new one has a serious pop to it. But we...
  10. noobiechickenlady

    Over due update

    :frow I was beginning to wonder if you'd just dropped off the planet, nice to see you back :)
  11. noobiechickenlady

    Stinking goats!! Just a rant about them escaping from fences

    I swear my goat is a masochist... We are portioning the back yard (the "pasture" :lol: ) into paddocks so we can rotate. Okay, sounds easy enough, lets try just running electric. 2 strands on a 5 mile charger. Got a nice little zing to it. I've grabbed it a couple of times or bent over &...
  12. noobiechickenlady


    Ohhhhh, something like that ;)
  13. noobiechickenlady


    In Mississippi, he'd be my neighbor :P Funny!
  14. noobiechickenlady

    TanksHill...Roll on!!

    Jooooooiiiiiiiinnnnnnnn uuuuuuuuuuuusssssssssss.... :D Woohoo on the good will finds! That grinder will give you arms of steel, forget the dvd workout. Ow my aching triceps, even the memory is painful :lol:
  15. noobiechickenlady

    Abifae - Ciao Babies!

    Abi, surely you don't talk at the theater? :D I have to completely agree. BTW, my friend said thank you from the bottom of her heart for your advice. The fat didn't scare her :D *patpat* Soft kitty, warm kitty...
  16. noobiechickenlady

    Free's kidding journal 2011: Plum's death wish p 42

    Now peach tequilla actually sounds good. Not so sure about holding the placenta... Seems like it'd be squishy... :sick Thanks SD, now I have that in my head. Again. I'd managed to get it out from the last time I read your sig line, alas it's back :D If I had my little way, I'd eat peaches every...
  17. noobiechickenlady

    Free's kidding journal 2011: Plum's death wish p 42

    Uneventful is awesome!! And two girls, hurray!!
  18. noobiechickenlady

    Free's kidding journal 2011: Plum's death wish p 42

    :celebrate :bun :pop Peach with donkey ears :lol:
  19. noobiechickenlady

    Bubblingbrooks Journey - Salut!

    :love Look at the toes!!! *squee*