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  1. noobiechickenlady

    Java. the end.

    Yay!!! :love 4 doelings? How cool! *pouts because she has to wait until June for babies*
  2. noobiechickenlady

    Molly's kidding thread~Buckley improved~just waitin' on a normal poo

    Hey! I resemble that remark :P YAY goat babies!!!! :ya
  3. noobiechickenlady

    2dreams - Its Spring In Mississippi w/pallet bed pic

    :lol: Me too! They are ADORABLE!!! :clap :celebrate :love :bun
  4. noobiechickenlady

    What would they be called?!?

    Chickens would be Supreme Poopers of the universe. "If I poop on it, its mine." Geese would be flailing wings and snapping beaks of terror. Had a recent encounter with my beek friend's gander. Ouch, my bruised thigh...
  5. noobiechickenlady

    Abifae - Ciao Babies!

    I LOVED Chocolate. Borrowed it from a friend when it first came out. Watched it 3 times before we returned it. I will own it one day.
  6. noobiechickenlady

    Pressure Cooker Water Distiller

    I :love my pressure cooker. Sterilizing shoes? Wild! I knew I had forgotten something, thanks for mentioning the condensation/cooling chamber. The second link I posted does have one.
  7. noobiechickenlady

    Savingdogs-Saving the chickens

    :love :clap I'm so stoked for you!! Pretty babies!
  8. noobiechickenlady

    2dreams - Its Spring In Mississippi w/pallet bed pic

    Babies!!! Oh, how awesome! *happy dance* Ya'll got ice down there too, huh? Not too bad here, just a little coating on the trees so far. Roads are clear.
  9. noobiechickenlady

    Abifae - Ciao Babies!

    Those are cool! heck, Abi, those look so easy I might be able to make a pair. Neat! ETA: See, how easy!
  10. noobiechickenlady

    Pressure Cooker Water Distiller

    Hmmmm, stainless is sounding better & better. Valid point on the energy uses, especially if you were using this as a regular source of water. However, I'm not going to be doing this on a seriously regular basis. More of an "Oh crud!" situation :P We already have a slow sand water filter that...
  11. noobiechickenlady

    Pressure Cooker Water Distiller

    Ok, so sometimes I have a really interesting idea and it turns into nothing. Sometimes, it turns out that it really is a good idea. That makes me happy :D So, distilling water. Distilled water is pure, right? You can remove 90 some-odd percent of any and all contaminants. You can take mud &...
  12. noobiechickenlady

    Grain/Gluten, Legume and Dairy free food ideas and sharing journal

    Good to hear about Sam's improvement! Not being ravenous is a good sign, yeah!!
  13. noobiechickenlady

    Lorihadams-- hi guys...been busy!

    Another who has had to deworm everyone in the house. My DS (12) still sucks his thumb, usually only at night now. DD used to say MMMM tasty when she ate her boogies :sick She hates it when I tell her about that now. Yup, just like lice, you can pick them up from anywhere and then you scratch...
  14. noobiechickenlady

    The humanure thread

    Yeah, night soil, icky icky icky... Not a good thing and not at all the same thing as composted. Spreads disease and really doesn't do as much for the soil as composted manure. Runoff from raw manured fields is nasty. :sick This is one of those issues where you will always have people on either...
  15. noobiechickenlady

    Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

    Stay warm & safe! I loathe ice storms, really the only kind of winter weather we get around here... And these folks can NOT drive on ice. Myself included...
  16. noobiechickenlady

    The humanure thread

    Well, considering that the compost is aged for a year (at minimum) and goes through a heavy thermolithic stage for about a year before it begins aging, I don't see a problem with composting it. If you do worry about it, then yeah, put it in a different spot. But then you have to worry about...