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  1. S

    The Cultured Pickle on The Splendid Table

    I use gallon glass jars which I get free for the asking at a grocery deli. Others use the crocks out of old crock pots or quart canning jars. The whey method is primarily from the book Nourishing Traditions. There is a recent ongoing thread ...
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    The Diary Of Hardly

    I know you're an honest man, Hardly, but knowing how all the women except the winner will be mad, you oughta pick the jelly made by the prettiest girl. Berta seems like a lively one. Tree climbing championships are rare, aren't they? Oh! and don't forget that what goes in green comes out...
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    The Cultured Pickle on The Splendid Table

    Now that you mention better methods of pickling things, I grew pepperoncini peppers one year. The seedsman provided instructions to pickle using vinegar and they turned out terrible. I might see if I can find those seeds to plant and use the salt and whey this time. The better ones do taste more...
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    Tightening My Belt -- My Personal Challenge for One Month in 2010

    I make a cream of potato soup with all potatoes. Boil a bunch, mash 1/3 and cube 2/3. Thin the mashed with water or milk to cream soup consistency briefly in a blender. Add the cubes and heat, add salt and pepper. I really like this soup and it is in keeping with your ingredients list. I used...
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    Soy products in tea?

    Growing and knowing your food isn't just a past-time anymore, is it? Good luck on the Stevia and definitely let us know if you had success. I always buy the plants each year and they grow fine for me here until winter gets them. I'd like to try the seeds eventually. :D
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    The Cultured Pickle on The Splendid Table

    My local NPR station quit carrying her so I go straight to her website. I like the archive because I can listen everyday if I want, not just once per week. It downloads smoothly on dial up, too :cool:
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    Soy products in tea?

    That is great information, ToLiveToLaugh! I know that the carcinogen, nickle, is added to food grade fats and glycerin during processing as a catalyst and when removed still leaves a good percentage of itself behind. The amounts retrieved are not equal to the amounts that went in, simple as...
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    Bathroom remodel help?

    SKR8PN just described our state of the art high school locker room, FWIW. Ok, I've only been in the girl's locker room, so the boy's could be an entirely different story, lol. How about prison locker room construction? ;)
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    The Cultured Pickle on The Splendid Table

    I love listening to The Splendid Table while I clean the kitchen. This past archived show talks about pickles: Click on September 12, 2009 and it is at at about 13:45 minutes in. From a shop called the Cultured Pickle in Berkley...
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    Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...

    I wondered what your plans are for the male calves? I had a jersey male calf that never fattened much, being dairy, so I sold him at a loss. I bought another male calf, hereford, at Amish auction which had his urinary tract messed up. He was peeing out the rectum; my vet put him on antibiotics...
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    Soy products in tea?

    Aside from nut products, don't they also have a loophole where they don't need to list an ingredient if it is below a certain %? If true then all the label reading is basically pointless to some degree. I know they sure aren't listing the mercury in the HFCS. Soy could be hiding anywhere if...
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    Big lots fruit trees

    Are they affordable? I called ours and they don't have them in yet, thus no prices. I live in a nursery area and can buy at $25 and up, but they are also are shipped in. I've bought many assorted and none survived, with no guarantees. Big Lots many get theirs from a different source and I'm...
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    Soy products in tea?

    I was looking at tea labels at my local big name grocery. I love anything containing Lemon Verbena so naturally I read labels to find it. Lemon Lift by Bigelow seemed lemony so I was totally unprepared to read that it lists its natural lemon flavors from soy lecithin, period. I know many...
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    Goat Bag Pipes !!

    OK, now I need to amend my will to instruct my heirs that they cannot make me into one of those. ;)
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    Optimizing a SLOOOOOOW computer

    Thanks for this spring cleaning tip. Just defragged and it took 30 min. :rolleyes: I've got an early 2005 Gateway with a media center. Some of those features aren't working so good anymore; the dvd tray must be opened manually these days.
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    STARTING with ideas to raise money

    What I would do: Contact your congressman to see if their office could intervene on your behalf with the agency and get a reconsideration of sorts. Plead extenuating circumstances, say you were attempting to arrange all that was required and hadn't been informed that there were time limits...
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    making maple syrup

    I tapped silver maples at my other house. In addition to needing 20 gallons more to equal a good sugar maples' 35-40 gal, is that the syrup tends to finish darker. In a competition this wouldn't be desirable, but who cares at home. Also, there is much more filtering of the silica sandy stuff...
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    Free...veggie question for ya

    Now I'm drooling down the front of my shirt! Those sound so good! I am going to run out to the garden to see if mine are still doing anything yet! :fl
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    Chain saw sharpening

    I use a dremel drill with the chain sharpening stone bit. I was not happy with the file and holder. When a guy told me about the dremel, I tried it and never looked back. It has saved me $$$. Each chain blade has a small engraved slash impression of the angle right on top of each tooth, at...