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  1. G

    Tell Me Why This is a BAD Idea

    Hens tend to quit laying if there are drastric changes they usually get over it in a week or so but if you move them every week the stress could cause a molt. I wouldn't think of it as being dangerous but it can be very inconvient.
  2. G

    Self Sufficiency Apartment Life! Ideas??

    If you try to grow to much in a college town keep your eyes open for the pot police [unless you live in a place where pot legal
  3. G

    Tell Me Why This is a BAD Idea

    DE may kill insects but it does NOT kill pathogens!
  4. G

    Guess I'll try again.

    I don't think you have a handle on the national problem, as i see it there is a group that wants everything handed to them for no effort and an other group that is doing the work but is getting sick of the first wanting a free ride on their backs. It is not a simple problem Empires have fallen...
  5. G

    what would grandma have done with this beef broth...?

    MY grandma would keep PART of her Stock at the back of the woodburning stove. Usually for about a week in a kitchen that would get cold in the winter nights That was where leftovers were comverted to soup. Soup was always on her menu in the winter, and it was great to have when you had been out...
  6. G

    Guess I'll try again.

    Yep a boar on the same feed tends to be tougher. more lean and slightly gamey tasting. gread for bacon. but the hams are hard to cure properly because of their size. Chops not good. upper ribs cook long and slow for BBQ.
  7. G

    Guess I'll try again.

    Well our feeders were. I said Boar because I meant an intact male used for breeding [That boar convinced my father that having one around was just too dangerous] We were lucky enough to have a breeder service near by that would take weaned piglets for payment for his Services] We didn't keep a...
  8. G

    Guess I'll try again.

    Aren't you the fiesty one [Deb]I expect Buddy associates the sound from the impact driver with something he heard at the vets. Doc you should know that it will take a while for him to use up the stored hormones [about 25 days for this 300lb male human] I fondly remember when my doc had a new...
  9. G

    Guess I'll try again.

    see cimments in bold above ~gd
  10. G

    Cool weather germination of cover crops?

    Since it is to late to do anything other then worry why not sit back and and enjoy it? I think you might be surprized at how hardy your cover crops actually are. if the rye is the grain [not ryegrass] it will be busy establishing roots same with your winter peas. You need good roots to burst...
  11. G

    What Do You Think Is Essential?

    Why dehydrate cheese? some of the moldy cheeses taste the best and are very pricely I love "blue cheese" and the blue is from the mold. Many hard cheeses have their water removed by pressing First and having the exterior washed with high salt brine until there is a rhine and then they are waxed...
  12. G

    Homemade Vanilla Extract

    That might depend on how much you pay for it. Fish liver oils are expensive when compared to the by products of wool production/ Britesea are you sure about the units of the amount of D-3 you take daily? might it be 2000 IU[international units rather than 2000mg=(2 x 40,000,000 IU? the stuff is...
  13. G

    Homemade Vanilla Extract

    Yep it is from wool grease and wool wax alcohols obtained from the cleaning of wool after shearing.
  14. G

    Most important character trait

    Sorry, I meant to 'wind you up' but not to that extent BSA is not PC any more because they want the non belivers in God and the Gays not to join. I still beleive in them too.~gd
  15. G

    Guess I'll try again.

    More trustworthy than those that post from one source {by mistake] and say it is from another source maybe?
  16. G

    Homemade Vanilla Extract

    It sure was!I used to work for that company and visited the concentration plant {Secret location because the animal rights people wanted to bomb it (no mares only humans)} Now before all the horsemen attack me the trade was in the north where the mares spent the winter inside normally anyway...
  17. G

    Homemade Vanilla Extract

    do you have any idea of the cost of 'castorium [the stuff from a beaver's butt] remember the world production is only 250 pounds per year which makes it rarer than Dimond. Do you really think some one is going to bottle it and sell in supermarkets when there is an artifical replacement made from...