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  1. G

    Ionized Water???

    I am already considered a Troll but I will agree drink what you want [I like a little EtOH in mine]~gd
  2. G

    warring with the dear...

    Heat in peppers depend on the growing conditions. Generally more sun=more heat. more water=bigger,lower heat. I am not a pepper fan but a friend showed me his "his and hers" patch. His would make steam come out my ears [He was a Manly Man. not a woose like me, Hers were much milder and bigger...
  3. G

    Best bug repellent?

    Pyrethrum refers to several Old World plants of the genus Chrysanthemum (e.g., C. coccineum) which are cultivated as ornamentals for their showy flower heads. Pyrethrum is also the name of a natural insecticide made from the dried flower heads of Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium [white looks like a...
  4. G

    Ionized Water???

    There is no empirical evidence to support claims made by manufacturers that drinking ionized water will have a noticeable effect on the body.[4] Drinking ionized water would not be expected to alter the body's pH,[1] due to the acid-base homeostasis. -Wikipedia [search Ionized water]
  5. G

    Anyone else have a black thumb?!

    good one! it fixes both magnesium or sulfur deficiency
  6. G

    Domestic water supply options?

    I would start with the shallow well. Smell is the first test if it smells like sewerage it might test pathogen free but who would want to use it with the smell? Activated carbon filters can help with the smell but is not great at removing pathogens. Stream is a bet it tends to clean itself as...
  7. G

    Anyone else have a black thumb?!

    YOU mihjy want to try just a tiny bit of borax in your soil I had problems that aound like yours [failure to form edible roots] The master gardener said she thought it was lack of a micro nutrient. Since I had a very nice lab I could use and I am a chemist I ran tests but no boron was found. I...
  8. G

    Money making ideas for our new homestead please!!!

    I used to have a friend on the Island. The house was the model for a subdivison that had failed Very strange to see sidewalks running thru the woods... They had a catalytic converter to treat the exhaust from the fireplace and the woodstove, it seems that a trace of smoke would cause calls to...
  9. G

    Hello from Southern Ohio

    I donot think your fruit trees will be producing that soon, but welcome to the group.~gd
  10. G

    We are looking for good wood soap molds what do you like to use?

    YOUR OP said Loaf soap. So I was going to suggest Loaf Pans {Bread and meatloaf pans} Do not use aluminum with Lye the lye will eat the pans in short order. If you are handy with a router you can route some very nice molds in wood a fast pass with a plane will trim the edges.
  11. G

    Money making ideas for our new homestead please!!!

    I am suprised that charcoal making is still allowed on Long Island I think you are slipping under the radar on that project and I would do nothing to bring it the attention of the 'proper authories" You didn't mention insurance, You should have a bunch of coverage for your day camp and workshops...
  12. G

    DIY Compost Machine

    The OP [original poster] back in Jan12 was talking about a indoor composting machine, Your first post lncluded Composting works best when you make a pile, then stop adding, let it finish...starting a new pile that runs simultaneously. [That was where the pile and forget it name came from] Any...
  13. G

    DIY Compost Machine

    Agreed but then again you aren't using the pile and forget it method are you? My personal favorite is composting in the soil it is slow but the fiber and composted material improves soil structure in place. I never suggested the high tech method for individual gardeners and self-sufficient...
  14. G

    Making essential oils?

    Some floral waters are added to food and drinks [rose water and orange water off the top of my head] but research them first because some taste nasty and some are toxic.some of the oils are flamable and will vaporise at below room temperature. Often these will be distilled by steam piped from a...
  15. G

    ok...a bit corny

    I have no idea of how they are used in food but our local food store have dried corn husks for sale year around. I think filling is wrapped with husks before boiling. Cows and pigs will eat fresh husks and cobs...
  16. G

    Yellow Squash - what to do with it?

    I don't like it, never plant it and any that are given to me are fed to farm animals They all seemto love it.{cut open for water fowl.
  17. G

    sour cherries!!

    Deb with all due respect if you use any spices in your pie filling they will stay beter through one heat cycle rather than 3 [cook, can, and bake]~gd
  18. G

    Smithfield buy out

    They seem to be doing quite well as is. A fund would have to spend a fortune to get even one seat on the board. Then he coulld suggest a split up which would be turned down as long as they are doing well. The rise of feed prices are a problem but so far they have been ablle to raise Pork prices...
  19. G

    Seeking free souls to help resurrect small farm to SS!!!

    Ladies and Gentlemen this will be RUDE You have been warned! I am doing a bunch of reading between the lines It appears you suffered a disaster which your body has not recovered from. It sounds like you want to be the brains whille the other members of your co-op do all the work to maintain and...