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  1. Wildsky

    Pork Burrito....

    Just a small Pot belly. Her mom and dad were really tiny, like below my knee height.
  2. Wildsky

    Pork Burrito....

    Me too!!! I really hope! she's had a little milk in a bottle, (milk replacer for goats and pigs I think it is, the guy gave me a zip lock bag full) and I put a dish of water in her crate, with a dish of rice cereal mixed with the milk and a spoon of yogurt. (she's walked all over that :lol...
  3. Wildsky

    Pork Burrito....

    I think only three weeks, I feel bad taking her so early but the guy was selling them off - she was the last one. :(
  4. Wildsky

    Pork Burrito....

    :lol: No she won't be eaten, her name is Sprinkles, she is our new baby! :celebrate
  5. Wildsky

    Pork Burrito....

  6. Wildsky

    Just thought I'd share

    :lol: Mr Tom Cat's been getting around............... :celebrate Adorable picture!!!
  7. Wildsky

    Need help with a "cheesy potato bake" recipe...

    I steam blanche Broccoli, potato slices don't do as well being steamed, cause they'll stick together unless you can do one layer or so in a steamer. I prefer to boil blanch the potatoes.
  8. Wildsky

    Need help with a "cheesy potato bake" recipe...

    Yeeah I blanched for about 4 minutes this last time I dried a batch... they turned out really nice. (I'm going to try a similar recipe with Broccoli)
  9. Wildsky

    Need help with a "cheesy potato bake" recipe...

    I'll try the flour. thanks! I want to recreate the recipe using the potatoes I dehydrate, and powdered ingredients so I can store it long term. I can make a potato bake using fresh potatoes, but I want a good use for dehydrated ones. I'm hoping for a bumper crop this year, I have about 20...
  10. Wildsky

    Need help with a "cheesy potato bake" recipe...

    Ok I tried to recreate the cheesy potato bake you buy in a box at the store, with dehydrated potato slices. It was very tasty, but the saucy part was too watery, now I can reduce slightly the liquid content in my made up recipe, but I do still need to add something to thicken it up while...
  11. Wildsky

    What are you DEHYDRATING today?

    My patio is enclosed, so no chance of the dehydrator getting rained on or anything, we don't really use the area much, I pot plants and charge batteries, we leave all our shoes out there etc.. - it has lots of windows that open as well which is good when the onion is going!
  12. Wildsky

    What are you DEHYDRATING today?

    I haven't tried cheese, but you can do it - just try using one thats lower in fat, its going to be a little oily so put a papertowel under it and change it every couple of hours. I've seen internet posts (other places) of people drying the low fat hard cheeses, and things like cottage cheese...
  13. Wildsky

    Moldy homemade hand cream

    Use filtered water too if you're not already - or boil the heck out of it. :D
  14. Wildsky

    What are you DEHYDRATING today?

    :weee I got the 9 tray excalibur just a few days ago - and have tried a tray or two of everything I had in the fridge :celebrate I've done jerky, mushrooms, tomato, potatoes, green pepper, celery, broccoli, apples, kiwi, and strawberry, blueberry and apple roll-ups. I didn't do the carrots...
  15. Wildsky

    How to make lavender spray?

    I've never done it myself, but I think you'd want to put the lavender chopped up into something like Vodka, and let it soak for a while before sifting the liquid and then mix it with water in a spray bottle. I wouldn't have a clue on how much of the vodka to mix with water - but I bet you could...
  16. Wildsky


    I bought the excalibur 9 tray a few days ago :D ($220 including a book "Preserve it naturally" After using a small Nesco one for a few years, I needed to upsize it. I chose not to get the one with the timer, its a bit more $$$ and if I need a timer I'll simply add one at the outlet. (Check...
  17. Wildsky

    Overdosing our babies

    I don't know all the dates and recomended ages, but the USA has 36 vaccinations by school age I believe. I used to have a copy of the vaccine form - for the exemption listed on the back (California one) but I don't have it anymore - had to sign it and give it to the school. I have two...
  18. Wildsky

    Overdosing our babies

    Foaming at the mouth is clearly listed as a side effect of this forum in the rules.... :gig Vaccines are not "required" - every state in the USA has exemptions, some are tougher to negotiate than others, but they're there.
  19. Wildsky

    Overdosing our babies

    Just to clear up the "sterile" part. (heresay repeated by many in order to instill fear in people) 20% of post pubescent males will experience inflammation of the testes, however, orchitis usually effects one testicle, sterility from Mumps is extreamly rare. (This is from the CDC Fact...
  20. Wildsky

    Overdosing our babies

    At the risk of my child dying, becoming diabetic or any number of other things... Seriously? Do you have children? TTo be brutally honest I would kill another human being if that human was threatening to harm my children, my children mean a heck of a lot more to me than the kids down the...