I've read (somewhere) that a great method is to alternate rows and pathways year after year. Meaning what you have as pathway this year, use a good cover crop like clover and till it under next year and make that your new planting beds. Your beds from last year would be the walkways for this...
Thanks! What should their housing be like? They don't need nesting boxes? How many square feet do they need each? Should the house be off the ground like the hen house is with a ladder or lower to the ground? Windows and vents similar to the hen house? I'm in the woods with 10 chickens. I...
That is one cool website! I had a lot of fun with it and now figured out that the property is actually facing a bit south/east. I'll be taking out more trees on the west side than I originally planned and less on the eastern side. Thanks again!
We had a warm day today so I decided to mark the trees that will be removed. I hate doing that. Feel bad for the trees and wildlife. My son got mad at me and refused to help.
Our neighbor's house is fairly close to the back of our property line. I though I'd leave about a 30 food buffer...
What a great tip! I use that recycled paper in the litter box and have been dumping it behind the chicken coop. I'll just move it next to where the garden will be. :)
I just asked my neighbor if she know if any of the other neighbors use pesticides in their yards. She said a couple spray for ticks. I just googled it and the most common insecticide used on ticks is Permethrin which is extremely toxic to bees. :(
We don't have an insert, but my husband is really good at getting the fire really hot. We get hardwood for burning and mix in scrap wood from my husband's work (he's a cabinet maker). I'm going to have to talk to him about burning the pine. I'm also wondering about having some of it milled...
Yes, that's a rule of thumb for anyone living on Long Island. The soil is acidic and sandy. Pretty much anyone with a garden/lawn knows to lime every couple of years or so. This groundhog thing is totally new to me. I moved only 5 miles away from our first home and now we're dealing with...
We have mostly oaks and pines. There are a few wild cherry and crab apple. My neighbors all have rhododendrons and Japanese Andromeda (pieris japonica). My one neighbor has a really nice Japanese Maple. I haven't seen what my other neighbors have yet. Anything growing here would have to be...
Thank you for this thread! I'm just looking into starting a hive, but I'm wondering if the bees will do well where I live. We just moved into the woods. I don't know if there would be enough pollen to feed them. I haven't planted anything yet, so most of what is here and at the neighbors is...
I spoke with my father in law about irrigation. We have a pump for well water that was turned off and right now the house is connected to city water. I'd like to irrigate with the well water so we'll have to see if the pump still works, then run a line out to the garden area.
What irrigation...
Yes, I'm still on Long Island and actually still in the same town. LOL! We looked into moving to Maryland then somewhere else on Long Island, but wound up finding our dream home right here in the same town....just the other end where it's less built up. Where away from the suburbs and now in...