My hen get organic feed and free range. I compared that to what the organic farms get locally and yes, $5. The organic eggs in the grocery store are $4.
Today I got 8 eggs from my hens! That's the most I've ever collected in a day! I was looking for someone to sell 1 dozen to per week and my FIL is interested! I think I may be able to sell an additional dozen per week so may need another client. Around here we get $5 a dozen. So just...
Fenced in the chickens yesterday. It's a huge area.......50 ft x 15 ft plus the run they already had which is 15 x 20 for 10 hens. Man, they were pissed at me this morning when I opened the pop door. They were pacing back and forth for a while at the gate trying to figure out how to get out...
There are ways to homeschool with little or no cost. First off......THE LIBRARY! If they don't have the books she needs, they may be able to get them for her. She can ask the school. Some school districts will lend school books out to homeschoolers. The internet! There are plenty of free...
If you don't want to deal with all the work involved in preparing the fleece (it's a lot of work and takes time and patience) then you can send the fleece to a mill. They will clean the fleece, card it and make it into roving all ready for you to spin.
If you do want to get into prepping the...
We had a nice day today! I was able to get the shovel in the ground! :weee
So, DS and I put up fence posts for a super big chicken run. I've been letting them free range, but they're pooping everywhere including in the playhouse and sandbox. :sick So now, they'll have a big area that will...