Thanks guys. Luckily, I have a wondrous husband and 12 and 14 year old daughters who have really, really been taking care of everything for me. But just being able to do this one simple thing for little Annie has really made me feel better. And she wasn't kidding about loving my sloppy joes...
Okay, this may not seem like a huge achievement but I had my surgery December 21st and between complications requiring more hospitalization and complications that require a nurse to come here and feed me by tube I STILL haven't been able to do any of my usual housewifely duties. This is very...
This is the one I have:
but there are many models that are much cheaper, especially this time of year. The "Back to Basics" model can be had for a little over 40...
Another thing that absolutely must be had for good tomato sauce is a good steam juicer. In the old days I would cook, run through a sieve and then cook all the water out until it was a thickened sauce. Sometimes a slight scorching taste found it's way into my jars and the flavor...
Romas are a good paste but relatively tasteless when grown here at least. I prefer a mixture of pastes. I grow Roma, Mom's Paste (which for me is the best tasting, biggest paste), San Marzano, Opalka, Polish Linguisa, and Amish Paste. Make no mistake if I'm running through 64 quarts of sauce...
We used to fish almost every weekend in Iowa. Blackheads, cats and various sunfish were a big help with the food bill for our large family. Then for family vacation-two weeks in Minnesota up by horseshoe lake. Oh, the Pike and Walleye and bass we'd tuck away in the freezer!!! I wanna go home.
I haven't had any good fish or fishing since I moved from Iowa. To my knowledge there is no accessible fishing in this state. There doesn't seem to be any fisheries that restock and I'm sorry but I'm from Iowa where you sit down and CATCH a fish and another fish and another fish. Okay, my...
Well, there are actually several sites that say you can can pea soup so I guess I'd go for it! I may try it myself if I ever start getting enough strength to cook.
Hah! Cres and I were on assistance for a few months when left my abusive ex husband. We LOVED that cheese! Oh those were the days, when I had a can of cream of something soup, some minute rice and gov't cheese for supper and we thought we were in hog heaven.
LOL! My customers LOVE the green eggs, can't get enough of them. We had our flock split into RIR, EEs and BOs but I can't really see the sense in keeping the RIR and BOs when everyone wants the green eggs.
Oh, both of the girls have been on low carb diets. Cres really did very well and lost quite a bit of weight, cut out ALL sugar, flour and processed anything. If it wasn't some kind of veggie, usually raw or meat boy, it wasn't going in her mouth. Didn't help. She kept at it for three years...
You should look into that endometrial ablation. I LOVED it. They insert a little mesh and hit a little button that totally burns out the inside lining of the uterus. No pain at all and no more periods. My oldest daughter is 34 with a bad case of PCOS so she can't have any babies. Her last...
When Gram was 80 I was 35 and found myself heading towards menopause. The first symptoms were subtle (okay, maybe not subtle) mood changes, confusion and HOT FLASHES. I asked Gram when she started menopause. NO help there as ALL of my female relatives (and we have a HUGE Irish Catholic...
I don't know, if you like pea soup like I like pea soup I don't know how safe it is to can. I like mine really thick and generally they recommend not to can things that thick.....'course if you canned it in a half-pint.....just thinking out loud now. Let me see what I can find.
As someone who loves horses I could never, ever take hormone replacement pills. My doctor got an earful (since I was already half crazy anyway) when she even suggested it. I did give in and let her give me anti-depressants which on hindsight might not have been the best idea though the...
One of my favorite things in the world when I was a kid was to go to my aunt's house and drink her eggnog flavored Ovaltine. Oh, I loved that stuff so much. Haven't seen it in years so I'm assuming it's been d/c'd.
So far, I'm using the Kitchen Aid for all meat and grain grinding.....and straining, etc, etc, etc,.....Yes, I have all the attachments. It works okay but if I ever wanted to really go into production and process a whole pork butt or 25 pounds of grain I'd really need a couple of bigger more...
My Rhode Island Reds and Buff Orps basically took the coldest weeks of the winter off which really wasn't fair since they were the last ones to even start laying eggs and then they go on vacation. Luckily, the Easter Eggers are my favorites and they not only started laying first but kept right...