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  1. odd_duck99

    SufficientSelf's Chicken Thread!!!

    I think I miss my chickens the most after moving to an apartment... just had to come wistfully look at chick pics. <wistful sigh>
  2. odd_duck99

    Weeds: which ones are most troublesome for you?

    Dandelions of course. The ones I had in my yard survived several regular doses of Round up. I got desperate. After that I gave up and just plucked the flowers when possible in the front yard and around my gardens. Bind weed is a terrible foe. I tried plucking it, but it just multiplied. It's...
  3. odd_duck99

    HELP! Weedwhacker bark removal = dead bushes/trees?

    Just an update... I fired the company and hired another. Much better! Also, in a run of interesting luck and a testament to God's sense of humor, someone came into the yard and DUG UP the blueberry bushes! Who does that?! They took 2, but left 2 dug up, which my neighbor replanted. Which 2 did...
  4. odd_duck99

    trimming pepper plants???

    I have done that, though I don't think it is really needed. My pepper was inside at the time (NW USA) and the leaves were touching the soil. Just struck me as not ideal. Didn't hurt the plant either way I suppose as long as you don't go nuts. If they are outside, those low leaves might actually...
  5. odd_duck99

    HELP! Weedwhacker bark removal = dead bushes/trees?

    Gd - what exactly should I ask the master gardener to evaluate if this comes to a small claims action? Anyone else is welcome to weigh in too!
  6. odd_duck99

    HELP! Weedwhacker bark removal = dead bushes/trees?

    They were mulched around, but the grass had gone about a month w/o being cut as we were moving. Then the landscapers blew us off for another week and a half. THEN they didn't cut all of the yard, and I had to send them a nasty email to get them to go fix it. THEN THEY TRIED TO KILL MY PLANTS! So...
  7. odd_duck99

    HELP! Weedwhacker bark removal = dead bushes/trees?

    Ok. I moved, and the landscaping crew is butchering my yard/killing me from afar. I am almost homicidal. Before I go ape-**** I need to make sure I am not wrong and going to look stupid! They weedwhacked RIGHT up to my blueberries, lilac bush and whatever else. They have stripped the bark all...
  8. odd_duck99

    Stories of an Odd Duck: Feeling reflective =)

    Technically, I suppose the tumbleweeds to follow me. Though now we have a bunch of carpeting, so they aren't so apparent!!:D Though that does mean that I vaccuum, but you'd never know it! :lol: The wants are ALWAYS too expensive! Living in an apartment has a funny way of changing our Wants...
  9. odd_duck99

    Stories of an Odd Duck: Feeling reflective =)

    Just feeling a bit reflective today, and wanted to list some things I miss and don't miss in regards to now being an apartment dweller after home ownership. Feel free to share your thoughts! Things I miss: -Not worrying about the carpet/security deposit! (dog had an accident yesterday <sigh>)...
  10. odd_duck99

    Portland, OR area fishing

    We just moved to the Portland, OR area. My spouse wants to fo fishing, but we don't know any good places! Any recommendations? We can look them up, but the recommendations from other fisher-folks are always better! :D
  11. odd_duck99

    Stories of an odd duck: clipped wings

    So, as you likely know, we have gone from a 1600 sq ft house on almost a half acre to a 2 bedroom apartment in the suburbs, and FAST! We are making the best of the situation, and are happy, but our way of life has changed drastically! (No chickens! No garden! Well, 2 tomatoes and a bell pepper...
  12. odd_duck99

    Stories of an odd duck

    My God we survived! I haven't been around much in the last month. Just in case you don't remember, as I was fairly new anyway, my spouse (the bread winner) had to quit her job. Well, she found a new one... in Beaverton , OR several hundred miles away! :th We had been talking about moving to...
  13. odd_duck99

    Stories of an odd duck

    I am still alive, in case anyone was wondering ;) LOL! Things are crazy around here between the spouse's job interviews, the added "to do's" of summertime, family visiting, and the baby! Spouse has had numerous interviews, many turning into multiple interviews and getting "in person interviews"...
  14. odd_duck99

    Electric lawn mower blade replacement issues

    We ended up bringing it in to someone with the appropriate tools and knowledge. Even they had a bit of a struggle with it! However, it is now fixed. Thank God. If anything else breaks on any of my lawn equipment it is going in the garbage, and I am buying something of better quality!
  15. odd_duck99

    Electric lawn mower blade replacement issues

    Nope. That's what we have been doing. You jam the blade, and the bolt turns... but nothing unscrews. Everything above the blade turns too, and you just keep spinning things around with nothing happening. We have tried doing this both to the left and the right, just in case, but nothing changed...
  16. odd_duck99

    Electric lawn mower blade replacement issues

    OKAY! Here are the pics of the underside of the mower. We managed to get creative, get the old blade off, and get the new blade on. However, now the "creative solution" won't work thanks to replacing the black disc you see in the pics, and we can't tighten the blade down. We can wobble it with...
  17. odd_duck99

    Electric lawn mower blade replacement issues

    Thank you Joel, I was hoping you would see this! :D I am worn out tonight, but will try and get you a picture tomorrow!
  18. odd_duck99

    Electric lawn mower blade replacement issues

    All we want to do is replace the broken blade on our electric lawn mower. It sounded simple enough... a month ago. We braced the blade, but when we turn the bolt the whole blade assembly turns too. (not sure if blade assembly is the right word, but hopefully you know what I mean!) We are...