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  1. odd_duck99

    Pretty new to gardening... help? Tons of questions

    Know that blueberries take time to establish before they really do well. Not discouraging, just making sure you know. Ours are very young, but have seen their second season as of last year. I think we got 2-3 handfuls of berries from 4 bushes, but you know we were beaming like peacocks! =)...
  2. odd_duck99

    Pretty new to gardening... help? Tons of questions

    These are all huge, important points! I learned the "sun" thing the hard way. I moved into a rental house once, and got so excited that I planted a garden in the sunniest corner. It was still practically shade. Even the cool crops had a hard time there! Lesson learned... when we bought a house...
  3. odd_duck99

    Pretty new to gardening... help? Tons of questions

    I am in Everett, WA. I had to jump in! I would recommend seeds from Territorial Seed, eventually at least. I started with seeds from Fred Meyer, and they did alright. Never had much luck with the tomatoes. They would produce some, but most would still be sitting there green when the frost came...
  4. odd_duck99

    Washed and Carded Llama Wool Available

    You can also try to contact your local chapter of the SCA, if there is one. It's a renaissance recreation type group - to be very generic. They are quite realistic and into things being historically correct, and are generally European-centric. I am not sure they had llama fiber then... but it...
  5. odd_duck99

    Vid to rebuild 2-cycle engine carburetor (ch saw, whacker, etc)

    Wow, thanks Joel! I will have to check this out!
  6. odd_duck99

    Buffalo Sauce

    I. Love. Buffalo sauce. I have never made it myself though! I did just find a promising recipe online, but I have a sneaking suspicion that some of you might have good ones too! Anyone wanna share? :P
  7. odd_duck99

    Homelite weed whacker question

    I didn't. I didn't trust myself to know where the hell to spray it! That, plus the overwhelming internet buzz about homelites having the exact problem I was having, made me replace the gas mixture, then adjust the ratio into the carb. I would like to see if my neighbor has the spray, and perhaps...
  8. odd_duck99

    Homelite weed whacker question

    Alright! I finally got a chance to horse around with the trimmer, and THANK YOU JOEL! I took what you said and poked the internet a little more. Turns out Homelites are famous for having the fuel ratio/carburetor issue. It took a bit of ingenuity, but I was able to adjust them myself! As of...
  9. odd_duck99

    Maple Syrup Turned Hard?

    Joel, I am starting to think there is nothing you can't do!! :cool:
  10. odd_duck99

    Homemade Compost Turners

    My understanding of the 3 heap method was that there was one heap you were actively adding to, one that was aging and being turned, and one you were able to actively use (but don't have to do anything to). That sound about right? I think I might go with one made from pallets, just to see how...
  11. odd_duck99

    Tomatoes from seed?

    Awesome! That was what I was thinking! Thanks to everyone for all the advice! I am trying to be a bit more serious in my gardening this year... we shall see
  12. odd_duck99

    Homemade Compost Turners

    Mine would have holes, etc. I just wanted to give a general idea w/o having to type a novel ;) Do you have a pic of yours? That sounds like pretty much exactly what I had in mind! I am just thinking pallets because I know I can get those for free from a local aerospace company VERY nearby. I...
  13. odd_duck99

    Tomatoes from seed?

    Alright! Seeds are in dirt! Should I put a fan on them now or wait until something breaks through?
  14. odd_duck99

    Whole Food stores...who shops there?

    :lau LOL! It's true! The "good" meat is SO much better!
  15. odd_duck99

    Whole Food stores...who shops there?

    I live just north of seattle... there are Whole Foods EVERYWHERE! It's been a while since I was in one, but I remember it being expensive. Then again, being all concerned with your food and shopping at Whole Foods is kind of a Hipster, Hippy, Trendy thing to do around here <facepalm> so I am not...
  16. odd_duck99

    Homemade Compost Turners

    I was paroosing today and found this... I want! Does anyone know where I could get something along the lines of the barrel, but for VERY cheap? I looked at Craigslist, things like that don't appear very often. I am just north of seattle...
  17. odd_duck99

    Tomatoes from seed?

    We got our seeds from Territorial today!:weee Maybe we can get seeds planted this week! Now I REALLY need to get more dirt in the garden beds <sigh> :caf
  18. odd_duck99

    how big of a house do you need?

    I don't think the square footage matters as much as the storage, the layout of the house, what you are into, etc. Our house is 1200-1500 (I can't remember now) but is a lot bigger than we need. There is a lot of wasted space. We do use more now that we have a baby, but I would like to go a bit...
  19. odd_duck99

    Tomatoes from seed?

    Our seeds shipped from Territorial Seed today! :woot We got Stupice and Matina tomatoes amongst various other things. Any thoughts on those? They seemed to have decent reviews, but we haven't grown either before.Still searching for the tomato that is... the ONE! lol!
  20. odd_duck99

    SufficientSelf's Chicken Thread!!!

    I know many of you mix and/or grow your own feed. What do you feed and in what percentages? Is it any cheaper to buy that way than commercial feed or just (likely) better? We don't have the space to grow our own, so it would have to be bought, stored, etc.