Agree. Times helps the most. Plus my dishwasher's sanitizing function does a great job too.
I've recently deemed my old jam jars to be my husband's new breakfast jar: granola with dried fruit and nuts or seeds. Saves on baggies or little plastic tubs.
good idea, about lookin at etsy.
plus i'm waiting for a "how to sell on etsy" book to come into the library. we're like 4th on the hold list. (tapping foot).
didn't realize that birdhouse gourds could sell for $25. gonna have to do some math now.
Looking at some books of intricate gourd crafting. Wow. Is it possible a non-artist person could create such amazing works of art?
Maybe woodburning something else. Small but beautiful.
Still looking for input.
Pink: hope he does ok in physical school. the local high school (out here in the country) does have a good program, and when that fails, a special bus actually picks up special needs kids and takes them to denver. hubby finally got around to calling and is waiting for school rep to call him...
I finally have the space to plant gourds, like dipper, birdhouse, bushel basket and loofa. My hubby bought me a woodburning kit for val day yesterday (my request) so now I'm thinking ahead. Researching how to use the kit to decorate gourds for sale (so we can afford some home repairs). Maybe...
I'm beyond the end of my rope. My 15 year old is getting worse again. He snuck some sugar over the last week, daily, and his behavior problems are magnified.
A little bit ago I went to check for ingredients for a special valentine dessert for me and hubby tonight, and some of the ingredients...
There are a lot of survival-type blogs that have lists like that. It's different for everyone, as to what one should stock in there "just in case" pantry.
I had a lot of canned fruits but because BPA is in all tin cans now, I'm "jarrning" a lot of fruits myself this year plus dehydrating, as...
Okay, finally sold a doe and her daughter. She was my first girl; got her and her twin brother the wether when they were just 2 months old. So sad to see them go but with all of my hand problems, I really needed a goat with bigger teats.
Then tomorrow, even tho i can't find her papers, someone...
Okay, finally got around to ordering my seeds (soooo late), and here's what I'm getting:
Veggies, Grains and Gourds:
Orange Giant Amaranth
Henderson's Black Valentine Pole Bean
McCaslan 42 Pole Bean (has a white creamy bean)
Envy Soya Beans (for critters)
Purple of Sicily Cauliflower...
I'm so jealous.
But I have HUGE plans for our garden this year, plus a 1/2 acre field for grains & alfalfa & 3 sisters, plus lots of nut trees, and fruit bushes and trees. But I'm so late ... haven't planted teh garlic yet, and meant to place my seed order last week but I didn't get it...
I always thought hibiscus was a tropical flower so wouldn't do well here, but just looked it up and it looks like there are some varieties that are good for zones 4-9. we're zone 5. wouldn't we, well ... I, have to mulch and cover at the first hint of cold weather?