Search results

  1. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz

    How many writers do we have here?

    Years ago I got pulled in by the "self-publish your own book" gimmick where you supply your manuscript and they print it. Then you have to market and sell it. They don't even edit it, help with illustrations, grammar, or help you find distributors. Don't go with those companies that help...
  2. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz

    How many writers do we have here?

    I write and self-publish. Have a couple already out there but my goal is to have another 2 by the end of december (minimum) and a whole lot more in 2012. Most of mine are non-fiction but I have some fiction I wrote when I was a publisher that I'm thinking about pulling back out.
  3. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz

    How do you cook your turkey and dressing?

    Change of plans for us We harvested a big rooster Saturday. Then yesterday someone gave us a turkey. WEll, poo. Can't fit the turkey in my crockpot. So ... gave the chicken to MIL and will buy a big ole pan today while getting stuff for our goats to kid this week. In this very cold weather...
  4. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz

    MyKidLuvsGreenEgz .. .. COLORADO IS BURNING

    The neighbor guy who trims our goats' hooves stopped by yesterday. He hurt his back but wanted to let us know he's do what he could as soon as he could. We mentioned that our two girls are due to kid this week and he got soo upset! Said that our babies will die. Need more heat even tho the temps...
  5. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz

    FDA taking our power away (LONG POST)

    X2 I'm always careful not only informing doctors about supplements we're taking, but if the doctor says he'd rather us take rx instead of herbs because they are bad, i immediately switch docs. thankfully my son's neurologist (who's monitoring his epilepsy) is ok with son taking some otc like...
  6. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz

    FDA taking our power away (LONG POST)

    At health food store yesterday and was stunned at the petition I was asked to sign. Here's what they posted on their website ( LONG POST: So, tell me, the ginger-root I boil into tea for my...
  7. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz

    MyKidLuvsGreenEgz .. .. COLORADO IS BURNING

    For those of you in Colorado, kinda near Denver, I have a couple of bantam blue silkies for sale. Actually look dark grey but have blue earlobes. Both hatched Feb 2011. The boy, who we call Silkie Dude, has curled toes but that doesn't stop him from anything. He has the cutest crow. The girl...
  8. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz

    Christmas music/tree.....lets chat.

    I too like to put away one holiday before getting out the next. Usually, will put my tree up sometime after Thanksgiving ... a week or two. Last year it was the week before Christmas (I was REALLY behind!). Thinking this year it'll go up a day or two after TDay. Last year after Christmas, I...
  9. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz

    MyKidLuvsGreenEgz .. .. COLORADO IS BURNING

    McCormick Apple Pie Spice: (ingredient list): cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice Forgot to add that sometimes I put fresh or dried cranberries in with the sweet potatoes, apples, and walnuts. Along with the butter, apple pie spice, and sometimes brown sugar. I have to use less sweet potatoes than...
  10. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz

    MyKidLuvsGreenEgz .. .. COLORADO IS BURNING

    Hope your leg is easier repaired than mine. Can't afford the surgery nor the time off. Trying to finish my gluten-free holiday cooking cookbook in time to load it (e-book) to amazon before next week but I'm lagging. Sick tummy all night ... all of a sudden, my aging bod can't handle raw onions...
  11. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz

    MyKidLuvsGreenEgz .. .. COLORADO IS BURNING

    Been soooo busy, as we all probably are. First, my kid turned 15 last weekend. Couldn't believe it. He's growing so tall and is finally leveling out (mood-wise). Combo between his meds for epilepsy plus the service puppy ... still hasn't had a huge meltdown (except for the small one he just had...
  12. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz

    Easy Gluten-Free Bread, Stuffing and Pie Crust Recipes

    I'm surfing for these gluten-free recipes online but thought I'd also ask you guys because I know quite a few of you are also gluten-free. My 15 year old is gluten-free but also can't have corn or soy (among other things), and Hubby can't have dairy. Have any simple simple simple recipes? Thanks.
  13. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz

    What 2 nut trees to plant for protein?

    We plant lots of sunflowers (for us and livestock), and eat pumpkin seeds. Plus the pine nuts, beans and peas, eggs, chicken and goat. Now almonds and walnuts. I'd forgotten that almonds are prone to freezing. Maybe if I Plant them kinda close to the house to keep them warm and protect them...
  14. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz

    Beef Cuts Chart and Recipe

    I don't suppose anyone has a chart for mini (nigerian dwarf) goats?
  15. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz

    $80 organic turkey....and

    That's why we're having a big ole chicken this year. Cost: $ 3.50 day old chick, black australorp $15.00 worth of feed since April (estimated) $ 3.50 butchering fee ----- $22 for a 10 pound (or so) rooster named "Thanksgiving Raised on laying feed (with the rest of the group), scratch, milo...
  16. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz

    Random and intentional acts of kindness

    Here's one someone did for me: I was a single-mom-to-be in 1996. I had very little income, a dangerous pregnancy, and had to move back to the city where my family lived so they could help take care of me. Met regularly with some Reiki people (to give and get) and one lady particularly took me by...
  17. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz

    Are You Ready To Make Due With Little Or No Gas.??

    Not worried. First, they really aren't the source of our gas but sure do help control the cost of gas. THAT's a worry. But if NO ONE in the USA could get gas, we'd all be in the same boat. Hubby would have to move close to work but we are well on our way to being self sufficient.
  18. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz

    How do you cook your turkey and dressing?

    We have a really large rooster, appropriate named Thanksgiving, that we're cooking. Night before, I'll get out the big crockpot, add a little oil and water on the bottom, plop him in, add some butter/smart balance, garlic cloves and onions inside, then more outside plus poultry seasoning. Cook...
  19. MyKidLuvsGreenEgz

    Emergency Alert System (EAS) Test

    We don't have cable .. just regular rabbit-ears TV. Did ok on all channels except knocked the audio off of ABC affiliate. Peculiar.