Search results

  1. k0xxx

    Goat knappers in Oregon!

    Somehow I keep coming up with the image of the dead horse in Dean Wormer's office, and then the guy going into the office with the chainsaw. :lau All kidding aside, if it were my goat I would be pi$$ed.
  2. k0xxx

    New to the forum, my projects!

    Welcome! It's great to have you join the zoo. :lol: Thank you for your service to America. May you return soon, and safely from deployment. :welcome
  3. k0xxx

    Emergency Preparedness on the priority list now!

    Yep, same here, to a point. As part of our life style, as well as many others here I'm sure, we are just naturally prepared for most anything that comes along short of a direct nuclear attack (and even that to a small extent). :D I believe that's what being SS is about. Let the non SS...
  4. k0xxx

    Goat knappers in Oregon!

    My grandmother had a news clipping about two of my great great uncles being arrested for "Goat Rustling" (I won't even mention the ones in the bootlegging business). So, it seems that I come from a desperado background. Hmmm, I wonder if I have any relatives in Oregon?...
  5. k0xxx

    Food Prices, Shortages & Inflation - The Trash Index

    I'm not sure that I understand your points. It seems that you are saying that we are just seeing minor swings in food prices, and that we shouldn't be concerned. Is that it? Food prices are not as big of a concern for me personally, because I am currently to grow a lot of my food. There are many...
  6. k0xxx

    Food Prices, Shortages & Inflation - The Trash Index

    I seemed to remember reading a report recently that said for the first time since we began producing ethanol for fuel, more corn has gone into fuel production, than for food. Corn or corn oil is in so much of the foods we eat, not to mention being a very large part of the feed for livestock...
  7. k0xxx

    How do you store...

    I believe the problem with storing buckets directly on concrete is that moisture may build up beneath them, and over time some moisture will migrate through most plastics. I've read that one of the best ways to store them, in a room with a concrete floor, is to set them on wooden strips of at...
  8. k0xxx

    Food Prices, Shortages & Inflation - The Trash Index

    I would LOVE to have one also! (although I'd rather not have to pay for the electric usage) While not a walk in freezer, walk in coolers are not hard to build. All you need is is a well insulated room, a suitable sized window A/C, and a controller . Check out this video of a fellow making one...
  9. k0xxx

    Food Prices, Shortages & Inflation - The Trash Index

    USA becomes Food Stamp Nation but is it sustainable? "Altogether, there are now almost 46 million people in the United States on food stamps, roughly 15 percent of the population. That's an increase of 74 percent since 2007, just before the financial crisis and a deep recession led to mass job...
  10. k0xxx

    Pollster: Americans Are Pre-Revolutionary

    As of the year 2008: The Top 1% paid 38.02% of Income Taxes collected The Top 5% paid 58.72% of Income Taxes collected The Top 10% paid 69.94% of Income Taxes collected The Top 25% paid 86.34% of Income Taxes collected The Top 50% paid 97.3% of Income Taxes collected The Bottom 50% paid...
  11. k0xxx

    Pictures of your garden fences?

    Not really suitable for most front yards, but we use 6 ft. tall, 2x4 inch welded wire fencing with T-posts. It ain't much to look at, but it does the job and no one really sees it anyway. We have had one deer get in this year when the gate was left open, and it went over the fence (actually bent...
  12. k0xxx

    Greetings from Crazy Acres....NC

    Welcome! My wife has relatives in the W-S area, and has been out there a few times. It looks like beautiful country. It's great to have you join us, so I hope that you jump right in and feel at home.
  13. k0xxx

    Pollster: Americans Are Pre-Revolutionary

    :thumbsup Amen!