My sister and BIL owned a home about a block off of Colonial for a time, years back. Oh yeah, that was some drive to Norco and back and I did that for twenty years. I still miss the Parish, and was even tempted to move back after the storm just to support the area. The one thing that really...
Not a lot of options for a HS function, but...
Love Foods
History is rife with the human pursuit of aphrodisiacs in many forms. Scientific tests have proven that some aromas can cause a greater effect on the body than the actual ingestion of foods. Here are some common foods...
You have got to be kidding me. I'm an ex-Chalmation and a former Violation. Started out on Riverbend, then did my middle school years on Gallo, between JP and St.B Hwy. After getting married, lived right at Paris and Genie, behind Ponstein's. We moved up here in 2000, after retiring from Shell...
Ain't it great! I love country living. We were visiting this area about 15 years ago, and listening to the news on the local radio. The mornings big news was that Mrs. So&so of some address, had backed her car into the mail box of Mrs. Idon'tremember, and did $230 combined damage to the car and...
The Post Office shutting down would be a death knell for a lot of small businesses that depend on circulars, flyers, are brochures for advertising. Since small business produces around 70% of the jobs in this country, this won't be a good thing.
As for landline phone service, unless they build...
savingdogs is right about having to keep on top of the grass and not let it get long. We had one is south Louisiana, and the thing cut wonderful. The only problem was that the grass has to be cut at least twice a week (sometimes three times during the height of the rainy season), or you had to...
Nice! You can't beat that deal with a stick. Congrats! :thumbsup
We had an egg eater, but we lost some hens during the big heat wave a while back, and haven't had a problem since. It was a shame to lose the hens, but I guess the egger eater went with them.
We've had it for about three year. Not a single problem with it. We buy our bag rolls from Mid-Western.
We still have the old food saver, which is about 15 years old and still going.
I have one of those, they are great. I really like the manual mode, Congrats on a very nice machine.
I would still like to get one of the chamber models. Maybe someday.
Yep, as of about 3pm today, my son's weather station (he's currently in south MS) has recorded 17+ inches since the rains started, and it's still raining. They've had numerous tornado warnings, but thankfully no damage. He's has some pork steaks on the grill, under his carport.
To give you an idea, we currently have 8 hens (we started with 16, but over time lost some to hawks and the extreme heat this summer) and we get get anywhere from 5 to 7 eggs a day. We have Buff Orpingtons, which are a decent dual purpose breed that will also get broody.
I order my buckets when I make a bulk order from Country Life Natural Foods . The mylar bags and related supplies, I either buy from USA Emergency Supply or from a supplier on eBay.
Since this is the Kitchen related area, I'll only list those items. The list of other items would be too long.
1. At the top of my list for things that cost more than I can justify buying at the moment, is an All American Senior Flywheel Can Sealer. I may end up getting one eventually, though...
As gettinaclue said, they could be used for making a drying rack for onions, garlic, etc. You could make a solar dehydrator. I've seen where a solar air heater was made using aluminum screens. It was similar to the pop can type solar collectors and actually had a better efficiency rating than...
A burglar broke into my home. He heard a soft voice said "Jesus is watching U". Thinking it was just his imagination he continued his search. Again "Jesus is watching U" He turned his flashlight around & saw a parrot in his cage. He asked the parrot if he was the one talking. The parrot said...
Whichever type of container you choose to store your ammo in, consider throwing in a Humidity Card, with the desiccant. It will indicate when you need to re-activate the desiccant and the cards are reusable. They can be found fairly cheap, in the 50 cent to 1 dollar range (or cheaper if you need...
Actually, our middle school did have a school sponsored hunting, fishing and shooting club. We didn't actually hunt as a club, but we did discuss hunting, fishing and shooting, and we did have a couple of field trips to the local outdoor range. A couple of times on a Saturday, several of us did...