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  1. k0xxx

    Ok, Dumb question but.. Ammo?!

    I wouldn't bother with O2 absorbers, but the regular desiccant (like that comes in some items from the store) would be great since you would definitely want to try and keep the humidity under 30%, if possible. Mylar probably isn't necessary, but it certainly won't hurt. As suggested by Toulle...
  2. k0xxx

    Ok, Dumb question but.. Ammo?!

    Kept at normal temperatures and dry, ammo should easily outlast any of us. Adding a desiccant pack or two may be a good idea. Just check your stored ammo for corrosion every year or so, change out the desiccant, and everything should be fine. I have some ammo that has been stored since I was in...
  3. k0xxx

    Best Way To Store Pasta LONG TERM ( Egg Noodles, Elbo, and Dumpling)

    We actually bought ours six or seven years ago, through a local (about 40 miles away) store that sold 50# sacks of durum wheat. They have since stopped carrying it due to the low volume of sales. We've made past with our hard red winter wheat and it has come out ok, but we're still looking into...
  4. k0xxx

    Best Way To Store Pasta LONG TERM ( Egg Noodles, Elbo, and Dumpling)

    It sounds like you have a great plan. Pasta takes more room to store, than the basic ingredients do, but it is a nice convenience to be able to just take a pack out and prepare it. As I mentioned in the earlier post, the vast majority of my storage is in the basic ingredients, wheat, corn, rice...
  5. k0xxx

    Best Way To Store Pasta LONG TERM ( Egg Noodles, Elbo, and Dumpling)

    While most of my long term storage is in the form of soft and hard wheat, I do have some pasta stored in mylar bags with O2 absorbers and buckets. We recently opened some that had been stored for six years and it was fine. It will probably store many more years just fine.
  6. k0xxx

    Bartering, Do You Do IT....?

    My best friend owns an Army Surplus and Outdoor store back where I used to live. I stopped buying from him unless he wasn't in and an employee was working. He would sell me things at his cost, and when I protested, he wouldn't hear it. I felt like I was taking money out of his pockets when he...
  7. k0xxx

    Talk to me about GUNS

    If you were confused, it was only because I was also. You asked "Is a gun is an effective weapon against a snake", but I see now that what you wanted to know was "Is a gun the best choice of weapons to kill a snake?". Those are two entirely different questions, at least from my perspective. Yes...
  8. k0xxx

    Bartering, Do You Do IT....?

    Good advice Free. Thanks.
  9. k0xxx

    Talk to me about GUNS

    If you can look at it and find a manufacturers name (Winchester, Remington, etc.) and a model number, there's a good chance that I can locate a digital copy of the manual for you.
  10. k0xxx

    Food Prices, Shortages & Inflation - The Trash Index

    Flooded Fields in ND Lead to Higher Pasta Prices You would think that eventually there would be some good news....
  11. k0xxx

    Talk to me about GUNS

    Yikes! :hide I used to be of the same mindset. Now, I've finally gotten to the age where I don't give a hang what others think. If these idiots feel that this old, fat, crippled curmudgeon is a threat, then so be it. They just better remember that I shoot low, 'cause they might just be riding...
  12. k0xxx

    Man's best friend

  13. k0xxx

    Talk to me about GUNS

    You're kidding, right? Yep, even a dull hoe or spade. I've used rocks, sticks, a lawnmower, and even a really pi$$ed off rooster, but I'd much prefer to do it from a distance with my .22 pistol.
  14. k0xxx

    Bartering, Do You Do IT....?

    I hate bartering. I stink at it. I tend to almost give stuff away. I need to start attending some flea markets and practice bartering, as I know that it is a great skill to acquire.
  15. k0xxx

    Talk to me about GUNS

    I'll be the first to admit that I have more guns than perhaps 75% of those on the forum, but they're just one of my hobbies. Around my property, I carry a .22 magnum revolver with me during the warm months, specifically for venomous snakes. I use the .22 magnum because it carries a little more...
  16. k0xxx

    7.1 Earthquake in Alaska - Tsunami Warning Canceled

    The tsunami warning has been canceled. "The tsunami warning was in effect for coastal areas of Alaska from Unimak Pass to Amchitka Pass."
  17. k0xxx

    7.1 Earthquake in Alaska - Tsunami Warning Canceled

    The USGS is reporting a 7.1 earthquake in the Aleutian Islands and issued a tsunami warning. They are also reporting a 4.7 quake in Utah, centered 12 miles SE of Kingston. Both of these were within the last hour. Edited the Subject Line
  18. k0xxx

    FWIW, $1300 per Acre Land in Arkansas

    Yes it is, Right on Main Street. I make it a point to NOT stop there when I pass through. ;?) Awe geeze, now I have a jones for some buttered popcorn flavored Jelly Belly jelly beans. :drool I hadn't heard of that, but it may be Cave City, in the same county, but somewhere to the south of...
  19. k0xxx

    Kroger 25% off canning supplies for Labor Day Weekend

    Even though I know that it's been mentioned a few times, I can't say that I can remember a specific topic on raising fish, perhaps we should start one. :?)
  20. k0xxx

    Kroger 25% off canning supplies for Labor Day Weekend

    Just checked ours and canning supplies aren't listed in their ad. :( However, they do list 75% off swimming pools and supplies :) (been thinking about raising some fish again), and Captain Crunch is on sale! :weee