I don't believe that Savingdogs meant anything other than we should attempt to be thoughtful of our descriptions, and not use those terms as a way of hurting people. Boogity wasn't being demeaning, just trying to honestly state the situation. We all know his heart is in the right place because...
Actually, if my memory serves me, this program touched briefly on the subject. It seems as though they mentioned something about the US having a certain number of nuclear plants, a certain number of workers capable of operating them, and how the situation might affect them.
Yes. We keep the light off and the door closed as much as possible. Our main pantry doesn't have any windows. We have an east facing window in the extended pantry, but we have blinds up, and my wife will be sewing some heavy, quilted curtains to block most of the light. Light, heat, and oxygen...
I watched this a while back. It is interesting and does depict a lot of what may happen, but as with all shows that I've seen of this type, there was some "artistic license" and not so subtle social commentary. Overall, it's worth watching, even if it's only to get you thinking about what you...
We have a small extra room that had been used for my Amateur Radio gear, but lately it has been sitting unused, except for collecting junk. So we decided to use it for an extended pantry so that we could unclutter our main pantry. We needed shelves, and not being anywhere close to a carpenter...
Don't know him. Don't care to. All I have to go on is what he writes. I like what I read. He is a capitalist though, and I love a good capitalist! Capitalism has done more to raise the standard of living of a populace than anything else out there.
ETA: Also, I like his thoughts on gun control .
Amen. Locally, food programs are also having a problem keeping up with demand. One shut down recently, and the other is just barely keeping its' head above water. We have offered to donate 150 pounds of wheat that we a planning to rotate, and offered the loan of one of our grain mills, but they...
Consider the words of Alexander Fraser Tyler, Cycle Of Democracy (1770)
"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for...
I recently came across a Washington Times article by the Motor City Madman (aka Ted Nugent) that quite nicely sums up the feelings of a lot of Americans.
You Have The Right To Remain Stupid
"I would like to go on record that the U.S. government is now more offensive and in violation of [more]...
Cotton had been up about 125% on the commodities exchanges, it has fallen back a little but is still up 77% over the last year. It is expected to rise again with the drought in Texas.
I've worked with electronics for 35 years, and I can tell you that those are technical terms that I use most every day. :D Just explain that you need the power cord and a cable to connect the camera and the recorder, they should be able to figure it out.
Unless you are planning to run this off...
I love this video . You have to be logged into Facebook to view. :lau
ETA: I located the original YouTube video (along with over 56 million other people). No Facebook required.
Good pup! :D They are wonderful animals. I love it when one of us is standing in the yard, and our pyr comes up, sits down next to us, and then just leans her whole body over against our leg as if she was leaning against a lamp post. Post a couple of pictures sometimes.
Walnuts Are Drugs, Says FDA
We all know that a lot of natural foods have very healthy properties, but now you can't say that without being sued? If the FDA doesn't control it, you can't promote it. Next they'll be doing paramilitary raids on nut growers, like nuts were raw milk or something...
While anything is possible, especially when the financial elites don't like high gold prices, I won't be selling any of mine, any time soon. By raising margins, the elites could cause a drop in price, but I believe that the fundamental reasons behind the increase in price (Fed printing money...
Not for my money. I believe that we are on a long slow downward slope, with a lot of little cliffs along the way. It's sorta like the proverbial frog in the pot on the stove. Raise the fire slowly and the frog doesn't notice the rise in temperature and jump out, until it's too late. I believe...
Hey WZ!, gold is up over $1800 this morning ($1822 last I checked).
BTW, So far, it looks like another big drop in the markets today. I hope that it turns around, but I ain't holding my breath. :(