I appreciate all these posts! I am about to make laundry soap this weekend. There are 3 reasons I am going to make my own and stop buying the commercial brands:
1. the commercial brands (except for a few high priced brands) are bad for the environment.
2. I am trying to save money and stop...
Thanks everyone for the welcome! I have been reading so much on here already that I feel I am getting to know you all! :D
What wonderful knowledge you all have and great discussions! Thanks again!
Ohand Britesea, I'll check out those books...if I ever have time to read for pleasure again...I...
Thanks for the help!
I raise Silver Fox and American Chinchilla. I am just getting started breeding them...they don't always just "breed like rabbits" like I have always heard!:idunno Believe me, when one of my does actually has babies you all will know! :fl
I will be setting up my trial...
Hello all,
Thanks to savingdogs I think I got this journal thing figured out! I am a member over on BYC and BYH. I am learning to homestead on a rented acre of land, sharing and old farm house with my brothers until we can all move on and forward with our lives.
Okay, here are the answers...
I just made my first yogurt too! I was just getting ready to post about it. I read *hours* of stuff on here about cheese and yogurt making! LOL :lol:
I used the cooler method, heated my milk up (unfortunately, too high...I had raw cow milk and I kept watching the temp but somehow it shot up to...
Hello all,
I am not really sure how the journal thing works here, could someone explain that? I am a member over on BYC and BYH. I am learning to homestead on a rented acre of land, sharing and old farm house with my brothers until we can all move on and forward with our lives.
Okay, here...